
Vaccines for the CCH Patients

Cook County Health is offering the COVID vaccine to patients through their physician’s office. Patients who have an established podstawowa opieka physician or are currently receiving care through a CCH specialty clinic can speak with their doctor about receiving a vaccine at their appointment or by calling to make an appointment.

Szczepionki dla społeczności

As of July 1, 2024, community members who are not established Cook County Health patients will need to call 833-308-1988 to establish care with a Cook County Health podstawowa opieka physician in order to receive a COVID vaccination.

Individuals may also odwiedź stronę to find another vaccine provider close to home.  


Jeśli jesteś pacjentem Cook County Health i potrzebujesz testu na COVID-19, skontaktuj się z gabinetem lekarskim, aby umówić się na wizytę.

Członkowie społeczności mogą wykonać test na COVID w szpitalu Strogera lub pod adresem Szpital Providenta. You must pre-register for a test by calling 833-308-1988.

Uniwersalne maskowanie

CCH will be requiring masks for all staff, patients and visitors (age 2 and older) in waiting rooms and exam rooms beginning on Tuesday, December 26. 

Masks are currently available for pick-up at the front entrances of all CCH facilities. Additional mask stations will be deployed across Stroger and Provident hospitals.

Masks have been shown to significantly reduce transmission of COVID-19 and other viral illnesses. Wearing a mask can help protect yourself and others. 

Wytyczne dla odwiedzających

Updated: December 21, 2023

Visitor policy changes effective Tuesday, December 26, 2023.   

  • Maximum TWO (2) visitors per patient at any one time to inpatient units.
  • Maximum ONE (1) visitor per patient at any one time in our Emergency, Trauma, and Outpatient spaces.
  • Visitation will be limited to those age 12 and over.
  • Visitation hours will be from 11:00am-8:00pm with only the below exceptions:
    • 24 hours for a labor support person
    • 24 hours for parents and guardians of pediatric patients
    • 24 hours for Emergency and Trauma departments
    • Clinic and Procedural areas will be based on their hours of operation