Choroby układu krążenia

...the interview process, candidates will have the chance to see both teaching sites, visit all labs, I meet with the fellows I faculty. Rotations Cardiac Critical Care Unit I Cardiac Consult Service All fellows have three months of CCU I three months of consult service experience during their fellowship. One CCU rotation I one consult service rotation are spent at...


Welcome to Cook County Health! We are pleased to provide you with a health screening I any follow up health services you need while you are in Chicago. We know this is a difficult time for your I your family I we will do all we can to care for you I your family. The services we provide to you...


...Child Psychology I Psychiatry, Dental, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Neurosurgery, Orthopedics, Palliative Care, Pathology, Pediatric Surgery, Pharmacy, Physical I Occupational Therapy, Radiation Oncology, Radiology, Social Services, Speech Therapy, Trauma I Urology. Learning opportunities abound in our residency program. We have a weekly, four-hour teaching session, monthly Board Review sessions I weekly GrI Rounds. During conferences, residents present interesting cases, I each...

Informacje o budżecie

...A.M. CCH Finance Committee Proposed Preliminary Budget reviewed Review and discuss 8-23-21 at 9:00 A.M. CCH Finance Committee Special Meeting with Public Hearing testimony, recessed to 8-24-21 at 6:00 P.M Receive testimony 8-24-21 at 6:00 P.M. CCH Finance Committee 8-23-21 Special Meeting reconvened with Public Hearing testimony, consider recommendation on proposed CCH FY2022 Preliminary Budget Received testimony, recommended approval z...


...a member of our team comes with many benefits. We offer 100% tuition reimbursement to support professional growth I carrier advancement, generous vacation time, I many additional opportunities for professional development. This is an exciting time to join Cook County Health nursing. We are committed to quality improvement, patient safety, I the employee experience, I are continually striving for excellence...

Medycyna Rodzinna i Społeczna

...variety of leadership roles at the local, regional I national level. Our team is actively involved in: Collaboration I innovation with other departments, specialties, organizations I of course our communities; Medical education, research I scholarship aimed at reducing health disparities; I Medical home team care I practice transformation. The Department’s vision is inspired by the aligned strategic objectives for Cook...

Prawa i obowiązki pacjenta

...access health care that is available I meets our mission I legal requirements. To receive up-to-date information about your care I health condition in terms that you can understand. To receive skilled I compassionate care from each member of our staff I to have your cultural, spiritual I personal values, beliefs, I preferences respected no matter who you are, where...

Informacje o MPX

...and after sex or other intimate activities. If you are come into regular contact with someone who has mpox, regularly clean your hands with soap I water or an alcohol-based hI rub, especially after contact with the person who is infected, their clothes, bed sheets, towels I other items or surfaces they have touched or that might have come into...


The Cook County Urology Residency program leverages a rich heritage of fulfilling our mission I serving the citizens of Cook County, while simultaneously advancing the frontiers of urological surgery. Cook County Urology boasts a distinguished team of surgeons devoted to the diagnosis I treatment of a wide range of complex adult I pediatric urologic conditions. Our program as a whole...

Awaryjna próba zachowania i resuscytacji (EPR)

...use in humans by the U.S. Food I Drug Administration, although not specifically for this type of cooling. The study will enroll 10 qualifying persons to undergo the cooling procedure I cardiopulmonary bypass I 10 control patients who will undergo standard care will be enrolled. Research staff will visit the patient in the hospital I collect information from medical records...
