Letitia Zamknij

...sectLub consultant fLub several years, Ms. Close transitioned back to the public sector, working in Planning I Development at Cook County, I in Government Relations at the Chicago TransTo Authority. She also served as Special Assistant to the President of the Cook County Board of Kommissioners. Ms. Close has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science z Loyola University in Chicago....

Andrzeja Gibsona

Andrea Gibson serves as the Chief Strategy Officer fLub Hrabstwo Cooka Health. In this role, she is responsible for the organizational growth, business development, affiliated strategies I FLub implementing strategic initiatives fLub Hrabstwo Cooka Health consistent with the organization’s 185-year-old mission. Ms. Gibson previously served as the health system’s Interim Chief Business Officer, where she oversaw the health system’s finance...

Testy na COVID-19

Proszę zadzwoń the COVID-19 hotline at 833-308-1988 Do register fLub a test in advance.  The registration hotline is open Monday I Sobota z 7:00 am – 4:00 pm. Tests Czy free and are available FLub adults I children age 6 months I older. Results Czy typically available in 24 hours.  If Ty test positive I would like more information about...

Donnica Austin-Cathey

...line management, as well as corporate kompliance, strategy development I patient experience. Previously, Austin-Cathey served as the President of Holy Cross Hospital I Vice President of Operations for the Acute CCzy Hospitals at Sinai Chicago where she was responsible fLub providing executive oversight I leadership for the system’s acute cCzy hospitals. Austin-Cathey earned her master’s degree in Health Administration z...

dr Arnolda Turnera

...the Associate Medical DirectLub For the UIC Physician Group i Szef Health Officer fLub Altgeld Health Center. FLub 27 years, he cared fLub patients at Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago, where he also acted as the Associate Chief of Service for the hospital’s Department of Internal Medicine. Dr. Turner is a graduate of Stanford University I Harvard Medical School....

Amandę Grasso

Amanda Grasso serves at Cook County Health’s Chief Data Officer. In the role, Ms. Grasso is responsible fLub establishing a formal data governance structure, maximizing the use of data as an organizational asset, driving organizational change and behaviLub as To relates to the use of data, I defining a data strategy that best supports organizational priority. Ms. Grasso, who has...

Charlesa A. Jonesa

Charles A. Jones joined the Hrabstwo Cooka Health team in March 2012 as DirectLub of Strategic Sourcing I Contract Management I has served in his current role of Chief Procurement Officer since September 2017. In this role, Charles oversees the health system’s strategic sourcing I procurement, contracting I contract management, materials management I logistics, value analysis I vendLub management. PriLub...
