Board of Directors

Deborah Santana
Secretary to the Board
1950 W. Polk Street
Chicago, IL 60612

(312) 864-0907
[email protected]

Public Testimony

Updated 5/9/23:
The CCH Board of Directors has established a process to accept in-person or virtual oral public testimony on a pending item before the Board or its Committees, in addition to receiving written public testimony. You must register in advance to present in-person or virtual oral testimony during a Board or Committee Meeting. Registration closes at 3:00 P.M. CST on the day preceding the meeting unless otherwise specified. The form to electronically register to present virtual oral testimony is located below. Additional information on the process and instructions can be found here. Questions can be directed to [email protected] or by phone to 312-864-0907.
Testimony Registration Form тАУ for Virtual or In-person Public Testimony, or to submit written testimony Register to provide virtual or in-person public testimony at one of the CCH Board or Committee Meetings, or submit written testimony to be included in the official meeting record.

Register to provide virtual or in-person public testimony at one of the CCH Board or Committee Meetings, or submit written testimony to be included in the official meeting record.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Max. file size: 256 MB.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Standing and Special Committees

Cook County Health Board of Directors members comprise five standing committees and one Special Committee (Nov. 2023)

The Audit and Compliance Committee receives and reviews the audit reports prepared by internal departments and oversees the financial reporting process on behalf of Cook County Health. This Committee oversees the selection of independent auditors for the health system in accordance with the enabling ordinance, reviews accounting policies, financial reporting and disclosure practices of the health system, as well as reviews the effectiveness of the Cook County Health internal financial controls. The Committee assists the System Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities of the Cook County Health corporate compliance effort.

Joseph M. Harrington

Robert G. Reiter, Jr.
Sage J. Kim, PhD

This Finance Committee reviews the income and expenditures of Cook County Health, advises the Chief Executive Officer, Chief of Clinical Integration and Chief Financial Officer in preparation of the budget, reviews the proposed budget in advance of presentation to the Cook County Health Board, and makes recommendations to the board on all financial matters. Additionally, this Committee will develop and present recommended multi-year financing plans as provided in the Ordinance. This Committee shall be responsible for developing, implementing and monitoring policies and procedures regarding procurement and contracting for Cook County Health, including providing for appropriate review of purchase contracts by this Committee. This Committee shall further develop its responsibilities and determine a plan to implement those responsibilities. This Committee shall consider other matters as may be assigned by the Cook County Health Board.

Robert G. Reiter, Jr.

Joseph M. Harrington

Maya Green, MD, MPH, FACHE

Commissioner Bill Lowry тАУ 3rd District
Sam A Robinson, III, PhD

Board Chair Lyndon Taylor (Ex-Officio)

The Human Resources Committee develops and monitors policies and procedures for Cook County Health related to personnel issues regarding all employees, including physicians and dentists, within the health system, including but not limited to, position classification, compensation, recruitment, selection, hiring, discipline, termination, grievance, affirmative action, performance management, probationary periods, training, promotion and maintenance of records.

Raul Garza

Maya Green, MD, MPH, FACHE
Sam A Robinson, III, PhD
Tanya Sorrell, PhD,. PMHNP-BC

Board Chair Lyndon Taylor (Ex-Officio)

The System Executive Medical Director, the System Chief of Clinical Integration, Chief Operating Officer Hospital-Based Services, Chief Operating Officer Ambulatory Services, Medical Director of Ambulatory Services, the System Executive Director of Nursing, the President of the Medical Staff of each Cook County Health hospital Affiliate, the Medical Director of each Affiliate, the Director of Nursing of each Affiliate, and the System Director of Quality, Patient Safety, Regulatory and Accreditation shall be ex-officio members of this Committee without a vote and shall not be considered in determining a quorum. The Chair of this Committee or designee may serve as a member of the Joint Conference Committees of the Medical Staffs of the Cook County Health hospital Affiliate. The Quality and Patient Safety Committee shall oversee the quality, safety and performance improvement programs of the Cook County Health, with the goal of recognizing the critical importance of maintaining high quality service and patient and staff safety and satisfaction. This Committee shall receive reports on pertinent matters of quality, safety, satisfaction, regulatory and accreditation activities at least quarterly from the System Director of Quality, Patient Safety, Regulatory and Accreditation or designee, and shall report on such matters to the System Board. This Committee shall be responsible for serving as a liaison between the Cook County Health hospital Affiliate Medical Staffs and the System Board. The System Board delegates to this Committee the authority to consider and render a final decision with regard to applications for initial appointment or reappointment to membership on the hospital Affiliate Medical Staffs and for initial clinical privileges or the renewal or modification of clinical privileges; assignment of staff category, department and division; and any special conditions to the appointment or reappointment, consistent with the procedures set forth in applicable Cook County Heath policies and Cook County Health hospital Medical Staff Bylaws. An additional purpose of this Committee is the full and candid discussion of matters which affect the Cook County Health hospital Affiliate Medical Staffs and the System Board. This Committee shall further develop its responsibilities and determine a plan to implement those responsibilities. This Committee shall consider other matters as may be assigned by the System Board.

Jay Bhatt, DO, MPH, MPA

Non-Director Member:
Patricia Merryweather

Raul Garza

Sage J. Kim, PhD
Tanya Sorrell, PhD, PMHNP-BC

Mia Webster Cross, MSN, RN
Board Chair Lyndon Taylor (Ex-Officio)

Ex-Officio Members:
Cook County Health Executive Medical Director,
Cook County Health Chief of Clinical Integration,
Chief Operating Officer Hospital-based Services
Chief Operating Officer Ambulatory Services
Medical Director of Ambulatory Services
Cook County Health Executive Director of Nursing,
President of the Medical Staff of each Cook County Health Affiliate,
Medical Director of each Affiliate,
Director of Nursing of each Affiliate
Cook County Health Director of Quality

The Managed Care Committee shall receive and review reports prepared by the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Finance and Strategy or designee with regard to the performance of the CountyCare Health Plan, including reports on matters concerning quality and patient safety, finance, operations and State required oversight activities. These reports shall also include briefings on key strategic initiatives regarding the scope and direction of CountyCare. This Committee shall also receive and review reports prepared by the Chief Compliance and Privacy Officer with regard to compliance matters involving CountyCare. This Committee shall assist the Cook County Health Board in its oversight responsibilities regarding CountyCare and provide guidance and make recommendations to Cook County Health leadership regarding CountyCare operations, finances, compliance matters and strategic initiatives. This Committee shall promote a full and candid discussion of critical matters impacting the performance of CountyCare, as well as the overall performance of Cook County Health. This Committee shall serve as a conduit for CountyCareтАЩs reporting to the Cook County Health Board as required by the State. The Chair of this Committee shall coordinate with the Chairs of the Audit and Compliance, Finance and Quality and Patient Safety Committees regarding CountyCare matters relevant to the respective responsibilities of those Committees. This Committee shall further develop its responsibilities and determine a plan to implement those responsibilities. This Committee shall consider other matters as may be assigned by the Cook County Board.

Commissioner Bill Lowry тАУ 3rd District

Joseph M. Harrington
Mia Webster Cross, MSN, RN

Board Chair Lyndon Taylor (Ex-Officio)

Strategic Planning

Our health system has served the people of Cook County for over 180 years. To continue our mission, we must remain competitive in the Illinois health care market and offer state-of-the-art care to all patients.
Today, we are accomplishing those goals by innovating our care, modernizing our facilities and strengthening our voice. Our priority has always been the health and wellbeing of those we serve, and we aim to elevate the health of Cook County, secure the future of the health system and build a place where everyone will want to receive care.

Impact 2023 Strategic Plan approved 7/26/19

Strategic Plan 2023-2025 | Cook County Health

Community Town Hall presentations, May 2019

  1. English: Cook County Health Strategic Planning Town Hall Presentation May 2019
  2. Spanish: Cook County Health Strategic Planning Town Hall Presentation- en Espanol- Mayo 2019
  3. Cook County Health Strategic Plan 2020-2022 Introduction 10-26-18
  4. Cook County Demographics 11-30-18
  5. Impact 2020
  6. FY2019 Budget Presentation
  7. CCDPH Strategic Plan
  8. Articles
  9. Materials from December 2018 meeting
  10. Materials from January 2019 meetings
  11. Materials from February 2019 meetings
  12. Materials from March 2019 meetings
  13. Materials from April 2019 meetings
  14. Materials from May 2019 meetings
  15. Materials from June 2019 meetings
  16. Materials from July 2019 meetings
  17. Materials from August 2019 meetings

Community Town Hall presentations, May 2019

  1. Cook County Health Strategic Plan 2020-2022 Introduction 10-26-18
  2. Cook County Demographics 11-30-18
  3. Impact 2020
  4. FY2019 Budget Presentation
  5. CCDPH Strategic Plan
  6. Articles
  7. Materials from December 2018 meeting
  8. Materials from January 2019 meetings
  9. Materials from February 2019 meetings
  10. Materials from March 2019 meetings
  11. Materials from April 2019 meetings
  12. Materials from May 2019 meetings
  13. Materials from June 2019 meetings
  14. Materials from July 2019 meetings
Cook County Health Strategic Plan, Impact 2020, Approved 07-29-16
Community Town Hall presentations, May 2016
Strategic Planning Framework тАУ 2017-2019 Information Binder
Table of Contents revised 07-18-16
Board of Directors
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