Primary Care

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Primary care doctors, sometimes called Family Medicine physicians, specialize in everyday health and can treat a range of health issues.

If you require additional medical service, PCPs will refer you to a specialist.

Common Services

Cook County Health primary care providers work in a dozen primary care medical home clinics and inpatient settings across Cook County to provide a full spectrum of health services, including:
Annual physicals
Care coordination with specialists, mental health providers and community services
Chronic and complex illness
Health exams
Maternal and children’s health, including prenatal, delivery and postpartum services
Short-term illnesses, including the flu, pneumonia and strep throat
Special procedures

Cook County Health PCPs care for your overall wellness and work with you to provide information and resources to help prevent illnesses and keep you healthy.  

There are two important keys to staying healthy: eating right and being active. Even small changes can make a big difference in how you feel and your overall health. Smart diet choices and exercise will boost your immune system, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, give you more energy, and help you lose weight.


Ngozi Emuchay, MD
Juleigh M. Nowinski Konchak, MD
Nowinski Konchak,


Care Close to Home

High quality care with a large network of health care centers in Cook County

12757 S. Western Ave.
Blue Island, IL 60406

(312) 864-0200
Community Health Centers

2424 S. Pulaski Ave.
Chicago, IL 60623

(312) 864-0200
Community Health Centers

1135 W. 69th St.
Chicago, IL 60621

(312) 864-0200
Community Health Centers

605 S. Wolcott Ave.
Chicago, IL 60612

(312) 864-0200
Community Health Centers

2020 W. Harrison St.,
Chicago, IL 60612

(312) 864-4628
Health Services

Schedule an appointment

Call us at: (312) 864-0200
Primary Care