About Us

About Us

Cook County Health has served the people of Cook County for more than 180 years and has a proud legacy as a leader in advancing health care. Our history includes the establishment of the first blood bank, the first successful open-heart surgery, the first comprehensive trauma center in the U.S., the discovery of sickle cell anemia, and more. Take a look back at the history of John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital and Provident Hospital.   

Today, we are investing in our health system’s network and modernizing services for patients. This includes growing capacity, adopting cutting-edge technology, and conducting innovative research.

A modern glass building marked Cook County Health is shown against a clear blue sky. The facade reflects clouds and is surrounded by trees and a curved structure in the foreground.

In addition to our hospitals and health centers, we operate CountyCare, largest Medicaid managed care plan in the region and the Cook County Department of Public Health, the nationally accredited public health department serving suburban Cook County.

At Cook County Health, we care for everyone, regardless of ability to pay or immigration status. We aim to create a health system that is a provider of choice for all, ensure access to high-quality care, and elevate the health of Cook County.

While we have evolved over the past 180 years, our mission remains the same: ensuring that all may live their healthiest life.

Logo with a circular pattern of varying blue shades forming the letter C. Next to it, the text reads CountyCare in blue and A Medicaid Health Plan in black.
A black background displays the text Building Healthier Communities in white, with Healthier highlighted in blue.
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Establish universal access to the world’s best care and health services for all Cook County residents, regardless of the ability to pay, so all may live their healthiest life. We seek to create partnerships with other health providers and communities to enhance the health of the public. We also advocate for policies that promote the physical, mental and social well-being of the people of Cook County.


To ensure health as a human right.

Values (ICARE)

Excellence & Education 


Cook County Health is proud to invest in the health of those whom we serve. We do this by providing free and discounted medical care, offering public health services, funding community-based resources, educating the next generation of health care providers and more.

In all, Cook County Health provided $1 billion in community benefits in 2022.


Government Sponsored Indigent Care


Bad Debt




Subsidized Health Services


Charity Care


Language Assistance Services


Research and Other Community Programs


The Cook County Health Foundation, Inc. or “CCH Foundation” is an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, independent from Cook County Health, formed to solicit and receive contributions and other financial support to assist furthering the mission of Cook County Health.

The Cook County Health Foundation is a separate entity from the Cook County Health system and is not controlled by the health system. For more information, please visit the CCH Foundation website at http://cchealthfoundation.org/

Here are other non-profit organizations that support Cook County Health:

  • John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital Auxiliary Board
  • Provident Women’s Auxiliary
About Us