Stroger Hospital 20th Anniversary
The Evolution of Cook County Hospital and John H. Stroger Hospital
In 1835, four years after the Cook County Government was incorporated, the first public health services were established through a small almshouse, ensuring access to medical care. For nearly two centuries since, Cook County Health has continued the mission of providing health care services to anyone who needs it – regardless of race, sex, ability to pay, insurance or immigration status.
Let’s take a look back!
As we celebrate 20 years at our current location, we want to hear from you! Memories and photos from staff and patients can be submitted to [email protected] for our website and social media pages.
The Cook County government opens a small almshouse to provide free medical care.
As the area contends with outbreaks of smallpox and scarlet fever, the county rents Tippecanoe Hall, which became known as the first Cook County Hospital.
As the population grew and needs increased, Cook County Hospital opens in a new location at 18th and Arnold Streets, renovating a closed institution. The first patient was a German girl with an abscessed hand.
The Hospital Committee recommends that the County Board construct a new Cook County Hospital at a more desirable location and in 1876, the hospital opens at a new location, a site that will serve patients for more than 100 years.
After voting in 1910 to build a new hospital, the main Cook County Hospital building is completed six years later.
The world is gripped by an influenza epidemic that killed 51 million people world wide. Cook County Hospital is filled with patients.
Cook County Hospital opens the world’s first blood bank.
Cook County Hospital launches a trauma unit. The hospital has the oldest comprehensive trauma unit in the country.
Cook County Board of Commissioners convene public hearings on the need for a new hospital. The Board votes 14-3 to submit a Certificate of Need to the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board for a new hospital. The plans are approved.
Demolition of the buildings where the new hospital was built begin.
Her Royal Highness, Diana, Princess of Wales, visits Cook County Hospital.
A groundbreaking ceremony for the new hospital is held.
Cook County Hospital renamed to John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital of Cook County.
On December 12, 2002, the new John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital opens.
By submitting your photos and memories along with you name, you consent that they may be used on our website and social media. You may revoke your consent by sending a message to [email protected].
Submission of stories and photos is voluntary and no compensation will be provided.