The Cook County Health Academic Center Library houses journals, textbooks and reference materials, as well as special collections that include medical, nursing, physician assistant and patient education/consumer health materials. ​

Only Cook County Health staff with a valid ID can check out items from the library.
To search the Library Collection (print books, e-books and e-journal articles), please visit WorldCat.

Circulation, Policies & Services ​

Expanded Circulation Privileges 
Cook County Health Faculty (Attending Physicians, Fellows and Residents) can borrow books from the University of Illinois at Chicago Campus Library and Rush University Library. 
Faculty must register at the Library Circulation Desk, or fill out the Expanded Privileges Form online with a copied ID and send it to library@blank. See a library staff member for details before borrowing any materials at UIC or Rush. 
Faculty must adhere to the circulation policies of the lending library, including returning or renewing materials by the due date and responding to recall requests in a timely manner. 
Circulation Procedures 
Checking out library materials requires a valid and current library card.   
Loan Periods 
  • Books (2 weeks) 
  • Reserved books (1 week) 
The maximum number of items that may be checked out is 5. 
The library is open Monday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm, except holidays. 
To renew an item, you can either visit the library to renew in-person, or you can call the library to speak with a staff member during regular business hours or leave a voicemail at (312) 864-0506. The renewal period is the same number of days as a regular checkout. You can renew an item for up to 2 times before having to return the items to the library. 
Lost Items 
If an item is declared lost, you will be required to pay a replacement charge (i.e., the cost of the material) and a $15 processing fee. 
Printing / Photocopying 
Printing and photocopying is a privilege for all current Cook County Health employees. There is no charge to make photocopies. Please limit photocopying to 20 pages. To protect the environment, please refrain from making copies and go paperless. 
Use of Computers 
Priority for computer usage is given to Cook County Health employees. 
There are 15 computers in the library with Microsoft Office access. Using these programs takes precedence over Internet searching on those computers. 
  • Please be considerate of others while in the library. Please refrain from loud noises and talking that might disturb other patrons.
  • Please do not bring food or beverages (except water) into the library.
  • Please refrain from making and receiving cell phone calls in the library. You may use your cell phone in the area outside the library.
    Research Assistance 
    Literature research assistance is available upon request. Training workshops, including How to Search Library E-Books and E-Journals, How to Build Effective Search Strategies in PubMed, and How to Use EndNote Citation Management Tool, are also available upon request. Requests can be made by phone at (312) 864-0311 or  email. 
    Interlibrary Loan 
    Interlibrary Loan Service (ILL) is provided for Cook County Health library customers who are in need of materials not in the library collection. Please send requests to [email protected] with the following information:
    • Author
    • Title (article and journal titles)
    • Publication year
    Phone Chargers / Headphones 
    Phone chargers and headphones are available to check out with a vaild ID. It is only for use inside the library. 
    Library Orientations 
    Library orientations are provided to staff upon request. Introductory orientation is for new library users. Orientations include registration for library services / resources and tour of the library. 
    Study Room Reservation 
    Study rooms (Rooms 5218B and 5218C) are available for quiet study only. The rooms can be reserved via Outlook Calendar one day in advance or in-person on a first-come-first-serve basis. For questions, please contact library staff at [email protected].

    Clinical Reference Tools ​

    Other Resources

    Program Contact

    Academic Center Library
    (312) 864-0506
    Reference Phone: (312) 864-0311
    Monday - Friday from 8 am - 5 pm, except holidays
