Farmacia del Hospital Stroger

...outpatients, same-day surgery, emergency department and discharge patients. A rellena tu prescripción, please call the 24-hour refill line at (312) 864-5651 and follow prompts a fill your prescripción at a specific CCH pharmacy or have it delivered via mail order. The pharmacy will work with patients who do Notengo prescripción beneficios a explore coverage options and medication assistance programs....

Programa CareLink

...será Not stop them from qualifying for the program. Eligibility is based on gross income, family size, and proof of Cook County residency. Patients must have lived in Cook County for at least 30 days prior a applying. Children 18 years old and younger do Not qualify for CareLink. Children who need insurance should apply for All Kids. Anyone that...


... equipo para enfermedades de la base del cráneo. Contamos con un programa integral a Proporcionar detección y tratamiento para cánceres de cabeza y cuello, que incluyen labio, angue, oral, acáncer de seno, garganta y laringe, así como tumores de los senos nasales, oído y cuello. La división también realiza cirugía plástica y reconstructiva con atención a pacientes que necesitan reconstrucción después de un traumatismo ...


...acceso a Internet, cree una cuenta para cada miembro de la familia que haya sido atendido por Cook County Health en Por favor visite para obtener información adicional sobre Cook County Health o llame al 773-395-7400 si tiene preguntas sobre su salud. Si experimenta una emergencia médica, llame al 911 de inmediaa. Muchas gracias, El Equipo de Cook...

Conciencia de fentanilo

...opioids like fentanyl. Stay Safe If you choose usar drugs, Go Slow. Fentanyl acts fast. Wait a ver Cómo your body reacts a a small amount of a drug a reduce the risk of an overdose. Never utilizar alone. Make a plan with a safe person around you who is prepared a help you in the event of an...

Clínica Puente de Salud del Condado de Cook

...text messages Not accepted. Request Appointment Click here a submit online request A care coordinator will reach out a you Walk-in a the Bridge Clinic Ruth M. Rothstein CORE Center 2020 W. Harrison St. Chicago, IL Monday-Friday 8AM-2PM Email a Request Appointment bridge@ A care coordinator will reach out a you Need a ride? If you are a CountyCare...

Derechos y responsabilidades del paciente transferencia debe ser aceptada por la otra instalación o organización. A árbitroutilizar Una transferencia a otra instalación o organización. A recibir información sobre nuestras políticas relacionadas a su hospitalización o tratamiento. Tienes el derecho a tomar decisiones sobre su atención, que incluyen: A decide si quieres a consentimiento a treatment, care and services. A withdraw your consent at any...

Facturación y seguro

...Not deny services a cualquier paciente en función de su capacidad a pagar. Cómoever, federal rules require us a send bills a all patients. If you are uninsured and do Not apply for financial assistance, you will still be responsible for the full amount of your bill. We offer several different financial assistance options for patients who need help paying their...

Haciendo un impacto

...on the streets of Chicago as teens, they’re heading a corriente continua a protest gun violence We have Nocosa a perder Más allá del control de armas, los estudiantes que marchan apuntan a anular las elecciones Opioide Utilizar The U.S. is facing an opioid epidemic, and Cook County is Not inmune. En la última década, los opioides utilizar y abutilizar has skyrocketed, becoming a public health crisis that...

Andrew G. Birkhead, MD, FAAFP, FASAM

Andrew Birkhead serves as an attending physician in the Department of Family & Community Medicine and holds the position of Medical Director at the Bridge Clinic.

Dr. Birkhead completed his residency in medicina Familiar as Chief Resident at UIC, following his medical school graduation from Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans, LA. Certified in médicos de familia. Dr. Birkhead also holds fellowship distinctions in both Family and Addiction Medicine.

Based primarily at Cook County Health Centro de salud de Englewood, Dr. Birkhead operates an outpatient Nuestro equipo practice. Additionally, Dr. Birkhead provides inpatient medical care and obstetrics services at John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital del condado de Cook.

Monica Puente, LSW CADC

Recovery Coach Coordinator, Monica Puente is a seasoned bilingual and bicultural social worker with over a decade of experience specializing in HIV and substance use disorders (SUD). With a rich background in providing support to diverse communities, Puente has demonstrated a keen understanding of the intersecting challenges faced by individuals navigating these complex health issues.

Having worked at Cook County Jail in the OTP clinic, Puente has firsthand experience addressing the unique needs of incarcerated individuals grappling with SUD. This experience has underscored Puente’s commitment to delivering compassionate and culturally competent care within challenging environments.

Puente is deeply committed to advocating for equitable access to immediate treatment for vulnerable populations. Puente recognizes the urgency of addressing these issues and remains steadfast in her mission to empower individuals to lead healthier lives.

Diane Rosales, CADC

Recovery Coach, Diane Rosales, a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor, embarked on her journey in the field of substance abuse in 1968. However, Rosales’ exposure to substance use and alcoholism began much earlier in life. 

As a former substance user, Rosales’ breakthrough in treatment led her to achieve sustained sobriety. From there, she pursued education relentlessly, earning a GED and eventually a master’s degree.

Rosales champions accessible and low-barrier treatment for patients, acknowledging its potential to save lives. Rosales has committed her career to making a positive impact on individuals’ lives and advocating for alternative paths to living.

Frances Norlock, DO MPH FACP

Dr. Frances Norlock earned her Bachelor of Science in Sociology from the University of Illinois at Chicago, followed by a Master’s degree in Epidemiology from the University of Michigan and a Doctorate in Osteopathic Medicine from the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine. Her residency training in internal medicine was completed at Rush University, after which she joined John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County in 1998.

Como un Nuestro equipo internist, Dr. Norlock provides care to patients at Cook County Health’s Centro de salud de austin and offers specialized services for individuals with substance use disorders at the Medicina general Clinic at the John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital campus.

For over a decade, Dr. Norlock facilitated educational initiatives for residents and faculty, supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Primary Care Training and Enhancement grant. This included training faculty and staff to obtain licenses for prescribing medications to treat opioid use disorder.

Since 2008, Dr. Norlock has served as the Section Head of Medical Education for the Division of General Internal Medicine and Primary Care. Currently, she supervises the Addiction Medicine resident rotation, guiding internal medicine residents in evaluating and managing substance use disorders in their patients. Additionally, she co-authored and co-edited the book “Breast Health and Common Breast Problems: A Practical Approach” as part of the American College of Physicians Women’s Health book series. Dr. Norlock’s contributions extend to publications in esteemed journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Alexandra Albanese, MD FAAFP

Dr. Albanese serves as an attending physician in the Department of Family & Community Medicine and holds the role of Associate Program Director at the Cook County Residencia de medicina familiar Program. Dr. Albanese attended Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine for her medical education and completed her residency training at the University of Illinois Chicago.

Beyond addiction medicine, Dr. Albanese’s clinical interests encompass women’s health and chronic disease management.

Michael Nelson, MD

Dr. Michael Nelson, is a versatile medical professional specializing in Medicina de emergencia, medical toxicology, and addiction medicine at John H. Stroger Jr., Hospital of Cook County. Dr. Nelson earned his medical degree from the Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University and completed his residencia en medicina de emergencia en el condado de Cook Emergency Medicine Residency. Dr. Nelson furthered his expertise with a fellowship in medical toxicology at the Toxikon Consortium/Cook County Hospital/University of Illinois at Chicago Medical Center.

Dr. Nelson is actively involved in professional endeavors related to emerging drugs of abuse, substance use disorders, and the utilization of athletic performance-enhancing substances. Holding influential positions as the Chair of the Prescribing Practices Committee for the Illinois Opioid Advisory Council and as a member of the HOPE Taskforce for DuPage County and serves as a consultant for the Illinois Poison Control Center.

Janet Towns

Janet Towns serves as a community health worker, actively engaging with and assisting the community by facilitating access to resources, providing referrals, and offering support for Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT), drawing from her own lived experiences.