Relaciones comunitarias

...our history de enclusividad. (Inglés, Español, polaco, árabe y Mandarínen) Community Health Centers Click here to find more enformation about our facilities. By clicking on each facility, you will be able to download a brochure for the clinic that enincluye enformación como horas de operation, address y servicios defered. Access to Transportation Getting to your medical appointment on time...

Facturación y seguro

...Hospital Uninsured Patient Discount Act is a discount program established to help residents living en the State de Illinois (but outside de Cook County) who are uninsured to pay for their health care services at Cook County Health. Cook County Health accommodates y respeta todas las culturas y backgrounds. We have staff who can provide direct assistance in English, Español, y...

Atención informada del trauma

...the widespread impact de trauma y entendery paths for recovery; Recognize the signs y symptoms de trauma en patients, families, y staff; EnIntegrar conocimientos sobre trauma. ento policies, procedures, y practices; y Actively avoid re-traumatization. How Does Trauma-Enayuda de atención formada Enindividuos que experimentan trauma? Adoptando trauma-enformed practices can potentially improve patient engagement, treatment adherence, y health outcomes. It can also help...
