
The Employment Plan Office is staffed by CCH employees tasked with overseeing and supporting compliance with the Employment Plan, Supplemental Policies and Procedures Manual and Personnel Rules.


什么是就业计划?就业计划 (and Addendum) is a document including the processes that govern hiring at Cook County Health (“CCH”). Because of CCH’s broad array of job types, there are several processes, but they are all designed to hire qualified candidates. They are also transparent, meaning that CCH hiring teams are required to document actions taken in accordance with the applicable process as well as the bases for their decisions.

就业计划由以下补充: 补充 政策和程序手册 其中包括管理非招聘的透明流程、做法和程序 就业行动 例如纪律处分、降级和职位重新分类。

就业计划和补充政策和程序手册均禁止 CCH 领导人考虑 政治原因和/或因素 例如员工、申请人或潜在申请人在做出与 CCH 就业行动相关的决策时的政治倾向。基于其他非法因素的决定也被禁止。

就业计划 requires both internal and external oversight of CCH’s implementation of Employment Actions governed by the Employment Plan and Supplemental Policies and Procedures Manual.

人力资源 not only establishes, directs and coordinates employment actions, but also provides oversight to ensure compliance with the Employment Plan, Supplemental Policies, Personnel Rules, and other applicable requirements (e.g., CBAs). The Employment Plan Office (“EPO”) is staffed with CCH employees responsible for providing internal oversight over both Human Resources and our departmental leaders’ employment-action related activity and providing guidance to support compliance with the Employment Plan, Supplemental Policies and Personnel Rules. For a more detailed description of the EPO’s duties, please click 这里. The 独立监察长办公室 (“OIIG ”) is a Cook County agency that provides external oversight of CCH’s implementation of the Employment Plan.

  • EPO 和 OIIG 可以完全访问 CCH 就业行动,这意味着可以实时观察活动,并可以通过文件审查来审核流程,以评估是否遵守适用规则。
  • 这两个办公室还对举报或怀疑违规行为进行调查。
    • 员工必须报告已知或可疑的违规行为并配合调查。
    • 严禁对合作进行报复。指控将得到严肃处理,任何被发现有报复行为的人都将受到纪律处分,直至解雇。

两个办公室都有报告要求,以保证其与 CCH 活动和合规性相关的观察和决定的透明度。

全部 雇员 are required to adhere to Employment Plan and Supplemental Policies and Procedures Manual requirements. Structure is necessary to ensure that CCH is meeting legal and organizational requirements and that requisite transparency is provided.

Where necessary (such as when there have been organizational or operational changes that require new or updated procedures), the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) has the authority to amend the Employment Plan. 

The CCH Human Resources (“HR”) Department has the authority to update the Supplemental Policies and Procedures Manual with EPO and OIIG approval. If approved (or in the absence of a timely objection), HR posts the update on the CCH website. For a more detailed description of the EPO’s duties, please click 这里.

Compliance with the Employment Plan and Supplemental Policies is mandatory in most instances. Please note that a majority of CCH’s workforce is unionized, and the specific requirements of an applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement (“CBA”) must be honored where there is conflict with the applicable Employment Plan or Supplemental Policies provision (so long as the CBA does not involve or permit the use of any Unlawful Political Discrimination or Unlawful Political Contact).

In addition to providing structured processes for hiring and other Employment Actions that require documentation to support decision-making, the Employment Plan requires CCH to provide access to the following (available on the HR page of this 网站):

  • Current Job Descriptions
  • 工作 发帖
  • Complaint Lines
  • 就业 统计数据 (季度报告)
  • CCH’s response to OIIG investigation-related recommendations

The EPO is also required to post Semi-Annual reports covering the EPO’s observations and Plan-related activities. 

  • 对员工进行就业计划和就业计划手册方面的培训。向所有员工介绍基本原则、主要招聘流程概述以及适用于所有员工的义务和保护。
    • 部门领导和人力资源人员接受必要的额外培训,以实施我们的 招聘流程 和非雇佣就业行动。
  • 监督和支持就业计划的遵守。就业计划办公室有权观察和审核 CCH 就业行动以评估合规性,并在必要时提供指导和/或建议补救措施以支持合规性。
  • 调查已知或疑似违规行为的报告和投诉。欧洲专利局调查涉嫌或疑似违规行为,并发布包含调查结果和任何建议的事件报告。
  • 举报已知或可疑的政治接触和非法政治歧视。欧洲专利局提及所有 政治接触 以及所有指控 非法政治歧视 监察办和监察办将酌情采取后续行动,因为监察办拥有审查和评估政治接触以及调查非法政治歧视指控的唯一管辖权。
    • 员工有义务向 OIIG 报告所有政治接触以及所有已知或可疑的非法政治歧视。
  • 准备和发布半年度报告。 EPO 于每年 3 月 15 日和 9 月 15 日发布半年度报告,描述活动、观察和调查结果,解决发现的违规行为以及建议的补救措施,并将其发布在 CCH 网站上。用这个 关联 访问过去的报告。
  • 审查就业计划和就业计划手册。欧洲专利局审查对就业计划和就业计划手册的拟议修正案,并在拟议的过程或程序缺乏必要的透明度时提出反对意见。
  • 生成所请求的信息。欧洲专利局 (EPO) 制作了经过编辑的 事故报告、人力资源部门对事件报告的回复的编辑副本,以及根据要求提供的不合格雇用名单。用这个 关联 to request documents from the EPO.

如果您担心可能不遵守 就业计划, 补充政策Procedures Manual 或者 人事规则,请提交一份 投诉表格 或直接联系就业计划官员。您还可以联系 CCH 首席合规与隐私官。

金伯利工艺品, 就业计划官

1950 W. Polk St., 9 楼
伊利诺伊州芝加哥 60612

(312) 864-0368

妮可·阿尔米罗, 首席合规与隐私官

1950 W. Polk St., Suite 9217
伊利诺伊州芝加哥 60612

公司合规热线:(866) 489-4949

要举报政治接触或已知或涉嫌非法政治歧视,请联系 独立监察长办公室 直接或提交完整的 政治联系日志  或者 抱怨 形式.

史蒂文·西拉诺斯基, 临时监察长

69 W. 华盛顿
套房 1160
伊利诺伊州芝加哥 60602
(312) 603-0350
