

初级卫生保健 从针对复杂疾病的专门治疗,Cook County Health 提供让您保持健康的护理。

Cook County Health 通过医疗系统和医疗计划为超过 500,000 人提供高质量的医疗服务。我们的医生、护士和医疗专业人员团队代表着医学界的佼佼者。我们继续在整个库克县实现社区卫生中心网络的现代化和扩展。我们提供便利的地点和专家团队,随时准备为您和您的家人提供从健康护理到 急救医学.

要安排与库克县健康医生的约会,请致电 312-864-0200.


我们为我们的遗产感到自豪。我们感谢那些与我们同行的人,展望未来,我们邀请您加入我们,共同提升库克县的健康水平。 Cook County Health 正在投资我们的网络并为患者提供现代化服务。我们在尖端技术、能力提升和创新研究方面处于领先地位。 Cook County Health 很荣幸为您提供护理。


我们广泛的网络包括两家医院: 小约翰·H·斯特罗格医院公积金医院.患者还可以拜访十几个 社区卫生中心Ruth M. Rothstein 核心中心. Cook County Health 对其所做的工作感到自豪 库克县公共卫生局惩教卫生。


Cook County Health 的社区关系团队以成为社区倡导者并将该系统的资源带给所有 Cook County 居民而自豪。

Our culturally diverse and multilingual team will make sure your health care questions are answered. We will also provide you with the right resources and help to resolve your issues and those of your constituents, family friends and neighbors. Click 这里 了解更多。

Notice of Data Security Incidents




Cook County Health 以提供高质量、安全的护理系统而闻名。以下是我们的一些认可和认证:


  • 门诊护理认证, 联合委员会
  • Primary Care 医疗家庭认证, 联合委员会
  • 医院认证, 联合委员会
  • 医院认证, 联合委员会
  • 初级中风中心的高级认证, 联合委员会和美国心脏协会/美国中风协会
  • 学术综合癌症护理计划认证, 美国外科医师学会,癌症委员会;美国外科医师学会
  • III 级 NICU 和行政围产医院指定, 伊利诺伊州公共卫生部
  • 1 级成人和儿童创伤中心, 伊利诺伊州公共卫生部
  • 透析单位认证, 伊利诺伊州公共卫生部
  • 美国新闻与世界报道, 高性能医院 慢性阻塞性肺病 
  • 美国新闻与世界报道, 高性能医院 心脏病发作护理
  • 美国新闻与世界报道, 高性能医院 心力衰竭护理
  • 美国新闻与世界报道, 高性能医院 肺炎护理
  • 美国心脏协会, 2024 Get wit the Guidelines
    Coronary Artery Disease STEMI Receiving Center Gold Plus Award with Target Type 2 Diabetes Honor Roll
  • 美国心脏协会, 2024 Get wit the Guidelines
    Coronary Artery Disease NSTEMI Gold Award with Target Type 2 Diabetes Honor Roll
  • 美国心脏协会, 2024 Get wit the Guidelines
    Heart Failure Gold Plus Award with Target HF Honor Roll and Type 2 Diabetes Honor Roll
  • 美国心脏协会, 2024 Get wit the Guidelines
    Stroke Gold Plus Award with Target stroke elite honor roll and Type 2 diabetes honor roll
  • Woman’s Choice Award®, Best Hospitals for Cancer Care, 2024
  • 认可的卫生部门, 公共卫生认证委员会 

与 CountyCare 一起保持健康。

CountyCare is open to all Cook County residents enrolled through Health Choice Illinois. If you are not signed up for Medicaid or if you are unsure, call CountyCare at (312) 864-8203 for help.


Cook County Health’s Stroger Hospital Recognized by U.S. News & World Report

7 月 16, 2024

Cook County Health is proud to announce that John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital has been recognized by U.S. News & World Report as a high-performing organization in treating chronic obstructive 肺的 disease (COPD), pneumonia, heart attack, heart failure, and kidney…

Cook County Health Summer Safety Reminders:

7 月 1, 2024

Cook County Health’s Burn Unit team came together to discuss summer safety, offering tips about the care of burns and when to seek medical attention. Remember these tips from the National Safety Council: And check…

Cook County Health Awards More Than $1 Million in Scholarships to Students Pursuing Careers in Medicine

6 月 28, 2024

On June 27, Cook County Health announced the third cohort of Provident Scholarship Fund awardees, students who are pursuing careers in the medical field and are committed to caring for or are living in underserved…


6 月 17, 2024

June 17, 2024 (Información en español al final de esta página.) With the temperatures expected to reach the mid-90s and the heat index soaring past 100 this week, physicians at Cook County Health urge you…

Cook County Health Awards $44M in Behavioral Health Grants

6 月 10, 2024

On June 10, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle and County Commissioners, joined Cook County Health leaders in announcing the award of over $44 million in grants to 53 organizations as part of the health…
