
“It was like a cloud was over my face. I had to feel my way to my neighbors’ house to get help,” the 64-year-old man from Englewood said.  “It was scary, because I thought I had glaucoma…something that can blind you for life.”



但如今,约翰逊说,“我现在的视力是 20/20。”

约翰逊去年在库克县健康中心接受了双眼白内障手术 公积金医院,在他第一次来接受治疗后不久。

Dr. Ramez Haddadin, an ophthalmologist at CCH, performed laser-assisted cataract surgery on both of Johnson’s eyes at different times.  In this state-of-the-art surgery, Dr. Haddadin used a highly specialized laser to remove Johnson’s blurred lens from each eye and replaced both lenses with artificial ones to restore clear vision.  Laser-assisted surgery gives ophthalmologists more accuracy for removing cataracts, which is especially important for advanced cataracts like Johnson’s, Dr. Haddadin explained.


Johnson said having his vision back means to the world to him.  He is now able to go back to working as a painter.  And he can walk safely, no longer concerned about tripping over things he can’t see clearly, now that his vision is much better.


在五月的健康视力月期间,CCH 鼓励人们优先考虑眼睛健康,并采取措施保护视力。

“That includes getting regular checkups, maintaining a healthy diet and wearing sunglasses when you’re outdoors on a sunny day to protect against ultraviolet (UV) rays, which can hasten the formation of cataracts,” Dr. Haddadin said.  “It’s recommended that adults have a comprehensive eye exam.  Based on that initial exam and your individual risk factors, the eye care provider will recommend what the follow-up interval should be.”



“Cataracts are very common in older adults.  By the age of 80, more than half of Americans will either have cataracts or have cataract surgery,” Dr. Haddadin noted.  “So it’s important to have your eyes looked at by an ophthalmologist, not just for cataracts but for a host of other potential problems with your eyes that can only be detected early with a comprehensive eye exam.


CCH is offering free vision exams along with other screenings at the 4 Men Only Health & Wellness Fair on Saturday, June 16 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will be held at New Life Community Church, 2657 South Lawndale Avenue in Chicago.  For more information, call 312-286-3405 or 312-489-1548.

您还可以致电安排与 CCH 的预约 初级卫生保健 请致电患者支持中心 312-864-0200,与医生讨论您的视力问题的个人风险因素。

















