
We are pleased to provide you with a health screening and any follow up health services you need while you are in Chicago. We know this is a difficult time for your and your family and we will do all we can to care for you and your family. The services we provide to you will be free and your personal and health information will not be shared. In order for us to provide the best care, we ask that you:

1. Tell the doctor or nurse about any health issues you or your child has and any medications you are taking including any refills you may need.

2. 请向我们的工作人员提供尽可能详细的信息,以防万一 我们需要联系您:

• 手机(如果有服务的话)

• 应用地址是什么

• 电子邮件

• 其他

• 如果您可以访问互联网,请为每位接受库克县卫生局照顾的家庭成员创建一个帐户:https://cookcountyhealth.org/患者-visitors/mycookcountyhealth/。

Please visit www.cookcountyhealth.org for additional information about Cook County Health or call 773-395-7400 with questions about your health. Should you experience a medical emergency, please call 911 immediately.




For more than 180 years, Cook County Health has proudly cared for patients regardless of their income, immigration or insurance status. As one of the largest public health systems in the nation, Cook County Health (CCH) serves as the safety-net for health care in Chicago and suburban Cook County. CCH is comprised of two hospitals, a robust network of more than a dozen community health centers, the Ruth M. Rothstein CORE Center, the Cook County Department of Public HealthCorrectional Health Services, which provides health care to individuals at the Cook County Jail and the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center, and CountyCare, a Medicaid managed care health plan.


WSZYSCY SĄ 图塔杰·迈尔·维齐亚尼


¡Bienvenido a 库克县健康!

我们将在芝加哥进行必要的健康检查和必要的健康服务。这对我们和您的家庭来说是一个困难的时刻,我们要为您的家庭做一些可能的事情。我们提供免费服务和个人信息以及健康信息。 Para que podamos brindarle el mejord cuidado, le pedimos que:

1. Le diga al doctor o la enfermera sobre cualquier Problema de salud que usted o su hijo tengan y cualquier drugamento que esté tomando, incluyendo los resurtidos de druginas que pueda necesitar.

2. 请市长个人提供有关我们需要的信息:
• Número de Telefono Cellular (si tiene servicio)
• ¿什么应用程序的应用程序?
• 电子邮报
• 如果您接入互联网,请访问库克县卫生局 https://cookcountyhealth.org/ Patients-visitors/mycookcountyhealth/。

请访问 www.cookcountyhealth.org 获取有关库克县健康的附加信息或拨打 773-395-7400 以便了解健康状况。如果是紧急医学实验,请立即进行 911。



在 180 年之前,库克县卫生局提供了更多信息 学生、移民独立、移民国家 o de seguro médico。共同维护伟大公共事业的系统 库克县卫生局 (CCH) 国家安全委员会 芝加哥和库克康达多郊区的医疗中心。 CCH está compuesto por dos Hospitales, una sólida red de más de una 社区健康中心的文献,核心核心 Ruth M. Rothstein, el Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de Cook, 洛杉矶 监狱健康服务,为人们提供医疗服务 库克监狱和青少年拘留中心 CountyCare,一项医疗补助医疗管理计划。 CountyCare,一项医疗补助管理式医疗保健计划。


We are pleased to provide you with a health screening and any follow up health services you need while you are in Chicago. We know this is a difficult time for your and your family and we will do all we can to care for you and your family. The services we provide to you will be free and your personal and health information will not be shared. In order for us to provide the best care, we ask that you:

1. Tell the doctor or nurse about any health issues you or your child has and any medications you are taking including any refills you may need.

2. 请向我们的工作人员提供尽可能详细的信息,以防万一 我们需要联系您:

• 手机(如果有服务的话)

• 应用地址是什么

• 电子邮件

• 其他

• 如果您可以访问互联网,请为每位接受库克县卫生局照顾的家庭成员创建一个帐户:https://cookcountyhealth.org/患者-visitors/mycookcountyhealth/。

Please visit www.cookcountyhealth.org for additional information about Cook County Health or call 773-395-7400 with questions about your health. Should you experience a medical emergency, please call 911 immediately.




For more than 180 years, Cook County Health has proudly cared for patients regardless of their income, immigration or insurance status. As one of the largest public health systems in the nation, Cook County Health (CCH) serves as the safety-net for health care in Chicago and suburban Cook County. CCH is comprised of two hospitals, a robust network of more than a dozen community health centers, the Ruth M. Rothstein CORE Center, the Cook County Department of Public HealthCorrectional Health Services, which provides health care to individuals at the Cook County Jail and the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center, and CountyCare, a Medicaid managed care health plan.
