
...您的电子邮件提交,请访问以下网站:https://万维网.promisepoint.com/cchhslogin and log in with your username (first and last name, all lowercase and no spaces) to complete the assignments. If you are still having trouble accessing or completing the assignments, email us at professionaled@cookcountyhhs.org 在线的 模块 – 完成 在线的 教育模块。作为证明,请打印感染控制证书,以及...


...salary. Plus, you have the option to elect for additional term insurance at affordable rates. Learn more about Cook County’s Benefits and Insurance Programs from the Department of Risk Management at (312) 603-6422 or 在线的万维网.cookcountyrisk.com. Fami Leave for Special Needs Cook County is committed to supporting employees and their families, particular when workers require time off to handle...

放射学 - 诊断

...Seat” type conference which progressive builds on topics through multiple imaging modalities and is organized both anatomical and by subject. Medical Physics: Lecture series given by certified physicists focusing on imaging physics, relevant to understand the concepts behind different imaging modalities and board preparation. 质量 Improvement Curriculum: Departmental wide month QA conference conducted by the QA committee focusing on reduction...

CareLink Program

...has or is eligible for Medicaid does not qualify for CareLink. Anyone that has insurance through their job or spouse’s job does not qualify. Anyone who cannot afford health insurance through their job may qualify for CareLink or other financial help. Fami Size Month Income Standard 100% Discount Month Income Standard 50% Discount 1 $1,678-3,038 $3,039-4,253 2 $2,269-4,108 $4,109-5,782 3...


...awestruck by the care and compassion his nurses provided not on to Pat but to everyone in his family。 So one of the goals they set in creating a Foundation in Pat’s memory was to recognize extraordinary nurses everywhere who make an enormous difference in the lives of so many people by the super-human work they do every day. Each...


...is heard. Set time aside to discuss advanced care with fami members and loved ones. Most important莉, document your preferences in writing by completing an advanced directive for healthcare. Once completed, share copies with your fami莉, your health care provider, and your hospital. A witness must sign these documents as well. Resources In Illinois, there are several legal advance directive...

库克县 2023-2025 年卫生战略计划

...& 质量 Download the MP4 video. Ensure the highest 质量 service and best clinical outcomes by providing patients the right care, at the right time, and in the right place. Initiatives Completed or Underway: Established facility and department specific 质量 metrics. Strengthen metrics in key areas like handwashing and sepsis prevention. Improve patient outcomes. Health Equity, Community Health & Integration...


...are available for quiet study only。 The rooms can be reserved via Outlook Calendar one day in advance or in-person on a first-come-first-serve basis. For questions, please contact library staff at library@cookcountyhhs.org. Tutorials Pubmed Basics Searching Guide PDF (Trifold) [NLM] Pubmed MYNCBI (Trifold) [NLM] Pubmed Searching with Mesh PDF (Trifold) [NLM] Pubmed 在线的 Traini 临床参考工具 临床查询...


尊敬的患者,我们很高兴为您提供安全的服务 在线的 通过我们的患者门户 MyCookCountyHealth 访问您的医疗信息。请在询问时提供您的电子邮件地址,以便我们向您发送有关如何设置您的安全的说明 在线的 帐户。设置完成后,您可以查看您的实验室结果和放射学结果、文件、未来的约会;请求药物更新和...


...you to the Anesthesiology and Pain Management Residency Program at John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County, one of the oldest and continual 国家认可的项目。我们提供严格的 四年的专科麻醉学项目,最近 received a ten-year approval cycle from the ACGME/Anesthesiology Residency Review Committee with zero citations! This is indeed a rare...
