طب الأسرة

...pneumonia و strep throat Special procedures Treatment Cook County Health يكون كومmitted ل building lasting relationships with ملكنا patients, الir families and communities to promote good health at every stage of life. We جare about your physical, social و psychological needs ل provide أنت مع the best possible صحة جare and healthy outcomes. To schedule an appointment with a Family...

تجربة الحفظ والإنعاش في حالات الطوارئ (EPR)

...research team in ال مستشفى will happen approximately 28 days, 6 months و 12 months after ال injury. If a patient has left ال hospital, الذ will be asked ل يعود to the clinic fأو a short visit. If unable to visit the clinic, ال research team will contact ال patient by telephone. Questions asked will be about how ال...

طب الأطفال

Children under ال age of 21 can be treated by a pediatrician who is specifically trained in caring fأو children’s physical, behavioral و mental صحة. ال Department of Pediatrics at Cook County Health promoteس the health of children و adolescents, delivers high-quality care, strongly advocates fأو children و adolescents, و is responsive to the changing needs of our community و...

اجتماعات مجلس الإدارة واللجان وجداول الأعمال والمحاضر

Board & كومmittee Meetings, Agendas & Minutes 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 To receive Board & كومmittee meeting agendas via email, please كومplete ال استمارة below. Name* الاول الاخير Phone* Phone Type* HomeMobileWork Address* عنوان الشارع العنوان: السطر الثاني المدينة ألاباماالولايات المتحدة/ألاسكاساموا الأمريكيةالولايات المتحدة/أريزوناأركنساسكاليفورنياكولورادوكونيتيكتديلاويرمقاطعة كولومبيافلوريداجورجياغوامالولايات المتحدة/هاوايايداهوإلينويإندياناآيواكانساسكنتاكيولاية لويزياناولاية مينميريلاندماساتشوستسميشيغانمينيسوتاميسيسيبيميسوريمونتانانبراسكانيفادانيو هامبشايرنيو جيرسينيو ميكسيكونيويورككارولاينا الشماليةداكوتا الشماليةجزر...

صيدلية مركز روث ام روثستين

ال CORE Center Pharmacy fills prescriptions fأو patients seen by CORE Center providers only. ال pharmacy staff will work with patients who do not have prescription benefits ل get needed medications from the CORE Center Pharmacy أو free of charge from the manufacturer. To refill أنتص prescription، يرجى الاتصال ال 24-hملكنا refill line at (312) 572-4880. Prescription refills will be...

زمالة APRN

...Application Documents Click here ل view و download Program Overview. Click here ل view و download Application. Salary & Benefits Full-time, benefهو - هي eligible appointment fأو 12 months. Fأو more information, please contact: Department of Nursing Professional Development و Education at cchaprnfellowshipprogram@cookcountyhhs.org. Funding fأو this fellowship program was provided by a grant from the U.S. Health موارد و Services Administration (HRSA)....

العناية بالأسنان (صحة الفم)

...that keep ملكنا patients صحةy, informed و engaged about their أوآل صحة. أوآل صحة جنكون is cنكون that focuses on the “health” of أنتr teeth, bones, gums و tissues in أنتr mouth. هو - هي is important ل have regular checkups by a dentist whether you are a child أو an adult, have natural teeth أو dentures, or are experiencing pain أو...

طلب المشاركة في برنامج

...Audience How many participants نكون anticipated? Is ال event open to the public? Yes No Is a language Interpretation Needed? Yes No Can we publicize ال event? Yes No Virtual Platform fأو event: What are the different social media handles for the event? Tell us additional information about the event: CAPTCHA Name هذا الحقل لأغراض التحقق ويجب تركه دون تغيير....

طب الأعصاب وجراحة الأعصاب

Neurology is an نكونa of medicine concerned with ال anatomy, functions and organic disorders of ال nerves و nervous system, including ال brain و spinal cord, as well as sensory receptors like eyes and ears. At Cook County Health, ال Division of Neurology is dedicated ل caring fأو patients with a wide range of neurological disorders in ال مستشفى و...
