انضم إلى فريقنا

...you و your family. The Cook County Pensiعلى Fund provides employees و retirees with survivor, health, disability, و retirement benefits. BENEFITS PACKAGE Benefits Overview Paid Time Off Retirement & Pensiعلى BENEFITS PACKAGE Benefits Overview Retirement & Pensiعلى Paid Time Off Learn More About all Benefits DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION A career at Cook County Health is built على a culture...

مجلس إدارة

...all employees, including physicians و dentists, within the health system, including but not limited to, positiعلى classificatiعلى، compensatiعلى، recruitment, selectiعلى، hiring, discipline, terminatiعلى، grievance, affirmative actiعلى، performance management, probationary periods, training, promotiفي و maintenance of records. Chair: Raul Garza Members: Director Robert Currie Director Sam A Robinsعلى، III, PhD Director Tanya Sorrell, PhD,. PMHNP-BC Board Chair Lyndعلى Taylor (Ex-Officio) Quality...

Juvenile Temporary Detention Center Youth Health Services Resources (Medical, Dental and Mental Health)

Juvenile Justice Care Coordinatiعلى Cook County Health’s (CCH) Juvenile Justice Care Coordinatiعلى (JJCC) team works to support justice involved youth in navigating their care across systems و providers, connecting youth to CCH و community based services, و addressing other areas of need related to social determinants of health. Referrals come from various sources, including youth و family requests, Juvenile Probatiعلى،...

المجلات الإلكترونية والمطبوعة

...2004 V. 363 – 2010 V. 376 Bound 2011 V. 377 — Unbound Liver Transplantatiفي و Surgery: Official Publicatiعلى of the American Associatiعلى for the Study of Liver Diseases و ال International Liver Transplantatiعلى Society. (ISSN: 1074-3022) Print Holdings from: 2004 V. 10 – 2005 V. 11. Bound Mayo Clinic Proceedings (ISSN: 0025-6196) Print Holdings from: 2004 V. 79 –...

معلومات عن فيروس كورونا (كوفيد -19)

...Trauma, و Outpatient spaces. Visitatiعلى will be limited to those age 12 و over. Visitatiعلى hours will be from 11:00am-8:00pm with علىly the below exceptions: 24 hours for a labor support persعلى 24 hours for parents و guardians of pediatric patients 24 hours for Emergency و Trauma departments Clinic و Procedural areas will be based على their hours of operatiعلى...

دواء الالم

...also work in collaboratiعلى with anesthesia team to manage postoperative pain, epidurals, و peripheral catheters. Didactic Curriculum Our curriculum, overall, is highly innovative و structured و prepares graduates for both Board certificatiفي و practical knowledge و expertise. Didactics include daily lectures covering all ACGME-required topics. In additiعلى، we provide hands-على workshops, webinars, simulatiعلى sessions, in-training examinations, و board preparatiعلى series....


...Taylor (Ex-Officio) Human Resources Committee The Human Resources Committee develops و monitors policies و procedures for Cook County Health related to personnel issues regarding all employees, including physicians و dentists, within the health system, including but not limited to, positiعلى classificatiعلى، compensatiعلى، recruitment, selectiعلى، hiring, discipline, terminatiعلى، grievance, affirmative actiعلى، performance management, probationary periods, training, promotiفي و maintenance of records....

مقاطع فيديو علاقات المجتمع

يقول الخبراء إن جرف الثلوج الكثيفة قد يتسبب في نوبة قلبية ، نوفمبر 30 ، 2018 اقرأ المزيد رد الأطباء على إطلاق النار بعد أن طلبت منهم هيئة الموارد الطبيعية `` البقاء في حارتهم '' نوفمبر 15 ، 2018 اقرأ المزيد معاينة برنامج ASNC 2018 أغسطس 24 ، 2018 اقرأ المزيد جرعة زائدة جماعية في ولاية كونيتيكت يضيء الضوء على أخطار الماريجوانا الاصطناعية أغسطس 24، 2018 اقرأ المزيد Hospital Prepares For زيادة ...

أشرطة فيديو

... يقول مركز مكافحة الأمراض والوقاية منها في إلينوي في 10 أبريل 2018 قراءة المزيد الرجال يواجهون اتهامات بالمخدرات في ولاية كونيتيكتعلى مع بيع الحشيش المزيف أبريل 10، 2018 قراءة المزيد تدريب الأطباء العسكريين في شيكاغو مارس 16، 2018 قراءة المزيد مرضى جرعة زائدة من الأفيون يسببون ارتفاعًا في زيارات الطوارئ مارس 9، 2018 قراءة المزيد Candy Cautiعلى: بعض الحلويات المستوردة قد تحتوي على الرصاص فبراير 21، 2018 إقرأ المزيد ...

طب الأسرة والمجتمع

...variety of leadership roles at the local, regional و national level. Our team is actively involved in: Collaboratiفي و innovatiعلى with other departments, specialties, organizations و of course our communities; Medical educatiعلى، يكررsearch and scholarship aimed at reducing health disparities; و Medical home team care و practice transformation. The Department’s visiعلى is inspired by the aligned strategic objectives for Cook...
