Planificación Familiar

A woman sitting on a medical exam table smiles while shaking hands with a healthcare professional holding a clipboard. The room has medical equipment and a poster on the wall.

Enlaces rápidos

Servicios de Salud Reproductiva
Atención compasiva y de calidad directamente en su comunidad.

Cook County Health ahora ofrece servicios de planificación familiar gratuitos o de bajo costo.

Servicios Comunes

Women and men reproductive health services:

Women’s Reproductive Health Service:

  • Decision-making support

Women’s Reproductive Health Service:

  • Including mammograms and pap smears

Women’s Reproductive Health Service

Women’s Reproductive Health Service

Women’s Reproductive Health Service:

Women’s Reproductive Health Service:

  • For free

Women’s Reproductive Health Service:

  • Decision-making support
Women’s Reproductive Health Service:
  • Including specific immunizations

Women’s Reproductive Health Service:

  • Decision-making support

Women’s Reproductive Health Service:

  • Prevention education, counseling, testing and treatment.

Women’s Reproductive Health Service

Men’s Reproductive Health Service

Men’s Reproductive Health Service

Men’s Reproductive Health Service

Men’s Reproductive Health Service


Cook County Health ofrece una variedad de opciones anticonceptivas para ayudar a las mujeres a prevenir el embarazo.

  • Anticonceptivos orales (píldoras anticonceptivas)
  • Métodos anticonceptivos portátiles (el parche)
  • Anillo vaginal anticonceptivo (NuvaRing)
  • Anticonceptivo inyectable (inyección Depo-Provera)
  • Anticonceptivos implantables, incluidos los dispositivos intrauterinos (DIU) y Nexplanon
  • Anticoncepción de emergencia
  • Esterilización, incluida la ligadura de trompas


Why Choose Cook County Health for Planificación Familiar?

  • Atención experta: Our team of specialists is dedicated to providing expert, compassionate care tailored to the unique needs of each patient.
  • Servicios Integrales: From birth control to cancer screenings, our services are designed to support the full spectrum of reproductive and women’s health needs.
  • Accessible Services: We strive to make our services both affordable and accessible to all, ensuring community health and well-being.


To learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment, please contact Cook County Health at (312) 864-0200. Our team is here to provide the care and support you need at every stage of life.

A white telephone handset icon alongside a teal medical cross on a dark blue background.

Programe una cita

Llámanos al: (312) 864-0200


Atención Cerca de Casa

Atención de alta calidad con una gran red de centros de atención médica en el condado de Cook

Avenida Ogden Oeste, 1969
Chicago, Illinois 60612

(312) 864-6000

3250 N. Arlington Heights Rd.,
Suite 300
Alturas de Arlington, IL 60004

(312) 864-0200
Centros Comunitarios de Salud

4800 W. Chicago Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60651

(312) 864-0200
Centros Comunitarios de Salud

5501 W. Fullerton Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60639

(312) 864-0200
Centros Comunitarios de Salud

12757 S. Avenida Oeste.
Isla Azul, IL 60406

(312) 864-0200
Centros Comunitarios de Salud

1645 S. Cottage Grove Ave.
Alturas de Ford, IL 60411

(312) 864-0200
Centros Comunitarios de Salud

2424 S. Pulaski Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60623

(312) 864-0200
Centros Comunitarios de Salud

1135 W. Calle 69.
Chicago, Illinois 60621

(312) 864-0200
Centros Comunitarios de Salud

13450 S. Kedzie Ave.
Robbins, Illinois 60472

(312) 864-0200
Centros Comunitarios de Salud

Calle Harrison Oeste 2020,
Chicago, Illinois 60612

(312) 864-0200
Centros Comunitarios de Salud
A nurse in blue scrubs smiles warmly while holding the hand of an older person. They are sitting in a bright room, creating a comforting and supportive atmosphere.
Planificación Familiar
es_MXEspañol de México