Family and Community Medicine

A well-established and mission-driven training program, the Cook County Family Medicine Residency prepares physicians to serve and help lead comprehensive primary care services, especially for underserved populations.
Program Contact
Monica Rubio
Residency Coordinator
(312) 864-2855
Family and Community Medicine

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Resident physicians gain experience and develop expertise in the post-Affordable Care Act, safety-net health care environment where the focus is increasingly on primary care driven value not just clinic visit volume.

As the role of the family medicine physician continues to expand, we not only equip our residents with the skills they need to care for families in largely underserved, urban communities, but also empower them for leadership roles in clinics, hospitals and health systems.

Our program extends beyond the clinical management of individuals across the life cycle, with exposure to population health management, public health and performance improvement in complex health care organizations. Training occurs at patient-centered primary care medical homes with residents sited at one of our three community-based teaching health centers that primarily serve minority populations, including Jorge Prieto Health Center, Englewood Health Center, Austin Family Health Center, Sengstacke Health Center at Provident Hospital and John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County, all augmented by educational experiences at Cook County Health and affiliated settings including Cermak Correctional Health Services, Cook County Department of Public Health and La Rabida Children’s Hospital.

The Department of Family and Community Medicine is actively addressing health disparities across the Cook County Health system. We provide primary care to families at eight community–based primary care medical homes, our large adult medicine inpatient service includes four teams and our maternal-child inpatient service. Department faculty serve in a variety of leadership roles at the local, regional and national level. Our team is actively involved in:

  • Collaboration and innovation with other departments, specialties, organizations and of course our communities;
  • Medical education, research and scholarship aimed at reducing health disparities; and
  • Medical home team care and practice transformation.

The Department’s vision is inspired by the aligned strategic objectives for Cook County Health over the next three years:

  • Achieve Health Equity
  • Demonstrate Value
  • Medical Education and Research
  • Quality and Safety
  • Workforce


Family Medicine Faculty

Welcome from the Department Chair

The Department of Family and Community Medicine at Cook County Health is actively engaged in addressing health disparities for the vulnerable populations we serve.

Uniquely positioned in clinical and leadership roles across our large public health system, Family Physicians are making a positive impact on our patients and their families, our workforce and on our health system.

  • We work with patients across the entire life cycle, with amazing levels of collaboration with other departments and clinical program areas who view Family Physicians as allies in a shared service-oriented mission.
  • We work in a diverse array of medical home clinics across the County where we care for families by providing the full spectrum of clinical services.
  • We work in John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital on Family Medicine adult inpatient and Maternal Child Health teaching services, alongside legendary specialty services led by senior pioneers and young physician leaders.
  • We work in all of these settings with behavioral health providers, care coordinators, clinical pharmacists and community health workers to address physical, social and psychological needs.

The department is helping the health system on a transformational journey, emphasizing community–based and preventive primary care, while continuing to optimize the world-class acute hospital services we have always been known for. The opportunity for family medicine to serve such a vital role in one of the nation’s largest fully integrated public health systems is exciting and inspiring. Our department’s educational, academic research and clinical practice priorities are laser focused on succeeding in this role. Bringing health equity to those most in need.

Mark Loafman, MD, MPH
Department Chair
Family and Community Medicine


Welcome from the Program Director

Welcome, and thank you for your interest in the Cook County Family Medicine Residency Program.

This program has proud tradition of caring for the poor and medically underserved regardless of their ability to pay, national origin, or primary language. Our residents and faculty are advocates for our patients, helping them to access quality health care services.

The Cook County Family Medicine Residency Program provides residents with a comprehensive, fascinating and diverse training experience. Rotations are designed to facilitate learning in a community setting, while having access to the latest medical technology at two well-known medical centers. You will experience a mixture of a busy medical center with many other residents to an unopposed environment with one–to–one precepting. The Family Medicine Centers are the main activity sites for training, but residents provide continuity of care to patients as well in the hospital and residential settings, coordinating care plans that involve multidisciplinary services and teams. The community medicine programs give residents access to young people with the goal of early intervention and illness prevention.

We have a diverse faculty with many areas of expertise and experience, all enthusiastic about teaching and mentoring.

There are many exciting opportunities in family medicine for graduate physicians in medical practice, research, administration and academic medicine. The health care challenges of today and the future await dedicated and innovative leaders; the goal of the Cook County Family Medicine Residency Program is to train our residents to become those leaders. We invite you to apply and look forward to hearing from you soon!

Best Wishes,
Gail Y. Floyd, MD
Program Director, Cook County Family Medicine Residency Program


Welcome to our Family Medicine Residency Program.

Please take a moment to review the below guidelines to facilitate your application process.

  • We only accept applications via ERAS, the Electronic Residency Application Service. When in the ERAS website, please look for the Family Medicine Program under Cook County John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital.
  • We start our interview season in October and continue through January.
  • It is preferred that your graduation date from medical school is within the last 3 years.
  • Applicants from international medical schools, please make sure to obtain your ECFMG certification before the submission of the NRMP match.

Our selective Admissions Review Committee reviews each application on an individual basis. We receive over 1,000 applications each year for our program. Due to the vast number of applications, we may not always be able to respond to email and phone status requests. If an interview is to be granted, you will receive an email communication from our program.

For additional information, contact:

Monica Rubio, Residency Coordinator
John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County
Professional Building
1950 W. Polk St., 7th Floor
Chicago, IL 60612
(312) 864-2855
[email protected]

Clinical Schedule

  • 4 Rotation Blocks of Family Medicine Inpatient Service
  • 1 Rotation Block of Pediatric Wards
  • 1 Rotation Block – Newborn Nursery
  • 1 Rotation Block – Pediatric Emergency Medicine
  • 1 Rotation Block – Labor & Delivery
  • 1 Rotation Block – Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)
  • 1 Rotation Block – Addiction Medicine
  • 1 Rotation Block – General Surgery & Subspecialty Surgery (Breast/Bariatric/Wound)
  • 2 Weeks – Integrated Behavioral Medicine
  • 2 Weeks – Outpatient Gynecology / Reproductive Health
  • 4 Weeks of Vacation

Key Benefits of the Cook County Family Medicine Residency Program

Extensive Network and Resources
Residents in our Family Medicine Residency Program have access to a vast network of resources and affiliations, including Cook County Health, affiliated teaching centers, and specialized public health agencies. This extensive network enhances learning opportunities and provides exposure to a wide range of clinical scenarios and research activities. Our partnerships with community health centers and academic institutions ensure that residents receive a well-rounded education supported by cutting-edge medical technology and research initiatives.

Focus on Health Equity and Innovation
The Cook County Family Medicine Residency Program is deeply committed to advancing health equity and fostering innovation in primary care. Our faculty and residents actively engage in projects aimed at reducing health disparities and improving patient outcomes. The department’s focus on collaboration, community-based care, and medical home team transformation drives our mission to deliver high-quality care while addressing the unique needs of underserved populations. By participating in this program, residents contribute to meaningful changes in the health care system and make a tangible impact on community health.

Why Choose Cook County Health’s Family Medicine Residency?

Comprehensive Training in Underserved Communities
At Cook County Health, our Family Medicine Residency Program is uniquely designed to equip physicians with the skills needed to excel in diverse and underserved urban settings. Our program provides a comprehensive training experience that goes beyond traditional family medicine, incorporating elements of population health management, public health, and performance improvement within complex health care organizations. By training in our community-based teaching health centers, residents gain invaluable hands-on experience in delivering primary care to minority populations and addressing health disparities effectively.

Robust Clinical Experience and Leadership Development
Our residency program is not only focused on clinical excellence but also on preparing residents for leadership roles in various health settings. Residents benefit from a broad array of clinical rotations, including inpatient services, emergency care, and specialty clinics. Our curriculum is designed to foster leadership skills and prepare graduates to lead initiatives that improve patient care and health outcomes. With a commitment to integrating family medicine into all aspects of patient care, we ensure that our residents are well-prepared to contribute meaningfully to the evolving landscape of primary care.


Vacation Leave
28 days or four weeks of vacation is given to all housestaff, which can be taken in (2) two week increments or (1) four week block rotation.
Maternity/Paternity Leave
Housestaff physicians shall be granted maternity and paternity leave to cover periods of pregnancy, newborn childcare, and/or newly adopted childcare.
Family & Medical Leave (FMLA)
An eligible employee may take approved unpaid family and medical leave of up to twelve (12) weeks per rolling twelve (12) month period. For specifics you should contact your Departmental Administrator, the Department of Human Resources or Medical Education.
Housestaff at Cook County Health are provided with a meal card which is loaded with $19/day. The card can be used at any time during cafeteria opening hours, every day of the week.
Counseling Services
Counseling services are available through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) of Cook County.
Lab Coats
At the time of initial hire, housestaff physicians will be furnished up to four (4) lab coats free of charge. During their employment, replacements will be furnished free of charge when the condition of the lab coat so warrants.
Malpractice Insurance
Covered at 100%.
Health and Disability Insurance
The County provides health benefits to housestaff physicians and dependents. The County offers to the housestaff physician and his/her family the option of choosing a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) or Preferred Provider Organization PPO from those available and federally qualified in the Chicago area for this health coverage. Ordinary disability benefits will be provided in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Cook County Employees’ Annuity Benefit Fund.
Dental Insurance
All housestaff are eligible to participate in the County’s Dental HMO plan. There is no cost for this benefit.
Life Insurance
All housestaff physicians shall be provided with life insurance in an amount equal to their annual salary at no cost to the housestaff physician.
Housestaff Association
The Cook County Hospital Housestaff Association (HSA) is the union representing interns, residents and fellows employed by the Hospital. It has existed as the housestaff physicians’ organization for many years and as a union since the early 1970s.


The Cook County Family Medicine Residency Program only accepts applications through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS).
Currently there are 36 residents in the program. We have twelve intern positions available per year.
Clinic selection is determined during orientation. A mutual decision is reached between the residents and faculty. Those applicants with Spanish competency will be given preferential placement at Jorge Prieto Health Center.
Residents will be assigned a Family Medicine Center, which is considered their home base.
The call schedule is dependent upon the block rotation. Some rotations do not require residents to be on call. The program strictly adheres to the resident work duty hour rules as outlined by the ACGME.
There is a selection committee that includes faculty and resident representatives. All components of the application, personal statement and interview are used in the decision.
Family and Community Medicine