إحداث تأثير

Cook County Health is Making an Impact. As part of our mission to elevate the health of Cook County, we strive to do more than provide care in our communities. Now more than ever, we’re committed to using our voice to raise awareness on the issues that impact our homes, our neighbors and our communities locally and nationally. Our goal...

رعاية النساء والأطفال

For more than 180 years, Cook County Health has provided high-quality care for expecting families, women and children. Explore our variety of services or call us at 312-864-5070 to schedule an appointment at one of our clinic locations today! Previous Next Women’s Health is specifically focused on the physical and emotional needs that affect a woman’s overall health. Along with...

لين دانغ

Linh Dang is Cook County Health’s Chief Experience Officer, creating new initiatives to enhance both the patient and employee experience at the health system. Ensuring that patients and staff have positive experiences with Cook County Health is essential to our ability to provide quality care and create a healing, supportive environment for all. Ms. Dang brings more than 15 years...

تطبيق المجالس الاستشارية المجتمعية

...will help us get to know you better. Are you a...* Patient Caregiver or family member of a patient Local community leader Representative of a religious organization Staff member of a community development organization Healthcare professional If a patient or family member, when was your care experience at this Clinic? (Check all that apply). 2020 to current year 2019 2018...

كريج ويليامز

As Chief Administrative Officer for Operations & Development, Craig Williams works toward achieving an effective, highly integrated health system. He has set standards for system-wide delivery of high-quality care and operational excellence, and collaborates with clinical leaders and key administrative staff to develop models of care that are patient centered and support efficient delivery models in multiple care setting. Prior...

مستشفى بروفيدنت في مقاطعة كوك

Provident Hospital of Cook County provides a wide array of health care services to the residents of Cook County, particularly residents in the Grand Boulevard neighborhood and on the South Side of Chicago. Provident Hospital is accredited by The Joint Commission and features a Regional Health Care Center that offers same day surgery, comprehensive diagnostic imaging service, cardiac diagnostics, laboratory...

Cook County Behavioral Health Summit

...system that provides services and supports that promote mental health well-being, early intervention, prevention and treatment of mental health and substance use conditions and parity in access to health-related social needs that contribute to well-being. A Behavioral Health Framework will ensure ALL Cook County residents have: PREVENTION AND EARLY INTERVENTION FOR CHILDREN & ADULTS: Prevention and early intervention services, no...

Office of Behavioral Health

...PREVENTION AND EARLY INTERVENTION FOR CHILDREN & ADULTS: Prevention and early intervention services, no matter diagnosis or health status, especially among children and adolescents. CARE, TREATMENT, SUPPORT & RECOVERY: Access to culturally and linguistically responsive care, treatment, and recovery support no matter where they live in the region. CRISIS ASSESSMENT, TREATMENT LINKAGE TO CARE: Behavioral health crisis care in their...


...conduct research projects that allow our patients to have access to cutting edge treatments or study ways to deliver high-quality, cost-effective care. All projects are reviewed to ensure that they align with the mission of the health system and our affiliates. Research proposals are reviewed by our federally approved institutional review board that includes community representatives to protect research volunteers....

Mark Spranca

...County participating in single and multi-site based human research studies, patient care, information technology, and health data science to evolve the delivery and effectiveness of clinical research. Mr. Spranca is a behavioral scientist with expertise in quality of care, patient experience, clinical decision support and health behavior. He is also an experienced builder of research operations. Prior to joining CCH,...
