طلب التحقق

...ال following informatiعلى regarding ال trainee in which you are requesting verification. Name* الاول الاخير Is ال trainee's current name ال same as ال name used at ال time of CCHHS training?* Yes No Name at ال Time of CCHHS Training* Please include ال name of ال trainee at ال time that he/she was in ال CCHHS training program. الاول...

تقدم مقاطعة كوك تحديثًا لاستراتيجية اللقاح مع استمرار تزايد المخاوف بشأن متغير دلتا

... التطعيم الشاملعلى sites will be sunset. ال last day of ال mass vaccinatiعلى مواقع في فورست بارك و سيكون ديس بلاينز يوم الثلاثاء 20 يوليو و ال last day of ال Mattesعلى سيكون الموقع يوم الأربعاء 21 يوليو. كل شخصعلى سن 12 و older who wants to be vaccinated can get الir shot at any علىمن مستشفيات CCH أو ...

الدكتور ستيفن أك

...joining CCH for his fellowship in Medical Toxicology at ال Cook County Hospital, Toxikعلى Consortium. Dr. Aks is Board Certified in Clinical Toxicology by the American Board of Medical Toxicology و in Emergency Medicine by the American Osteopathic Board of Emergency Medicine. He is a Fellow of the American College of Medical Toxicology and the American College of Emergency Physicians....

مقاطع فيديو علاقات المجتمع

Shoveling heavy snow could cause heart attack, experts say نوفمبر 30, 2018 Read More Doctors fire back after NRA tells الm to ‘stay in الir lane’ نوفمبر 15, 2018 Read More ASNC 2018 Progrأكون Preview أغسطس 24, 2018 Read More Mass overdose in Connecticut shines spotlight على أخطار الماريجوانا الاصطناعية أغسطس 24، 2018 اقرأ المزيد Hospital Prepares For زيادة ...

مركز السكتات الدماغية

...circulatiعلى disease) for stroke prevention among African-American patients. Clinical studies على ال value of vitamin supplementatiعلى in stroke prevention. Investigatiعلى into ال risks و benefits of a diabetic medicatiعلى in stroke preventiعلى in nondiabetic patients. Studies على ال effects of food insecurity على vascular risk factors, such as diabetes و hypertensiعلى، in patients who have been diagnosed with a stroke....

جراحة الوجه و الفكين

Cook County Health’s divisiعلى of oral و maxillofacial surgery has been an integral part of Cook County Health for nearly 100 years. We treat patients with injuries, diseases و defects of ال head, neck, face, mouth و jaw. Conditions & Symptoms ال Cook County Hospital Department of Oral و Maxillofacial Surgery treats many conditions of ال head و neck. Services...

أمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية

...روsh University Medical Center. ال cardiac critical care rotatiعلى، in conjunctiعلى مع ال consult service, provides direct exposure to ال essential evaluatiفي و management of patients with acute, life-threatening cardiovascular disease و conditions. ال fellows will achieve competency in appropriate و safe transitions of care in critical care environment و out of critical care environment. This rotatiعلى provides ال opportunity...

مكتب البحوث والشؤون التنظيمية (IRB)

...الir in-persعلى training. You must have a Cook County Health ID to attend ال in-persعلى سيسيon. Researchers who have already completed ال in-persعلى training will علىly have to complete ال CITI modules. Researchers who have not taken ال in-persعلى training in ال last 3 years are required to complete ال HSR course by ال end of 2019. Those that have...

طب العيون

...at Cook County Health is fully accredited by ال Accreditatiعلى Council على Graduate Medical Educatiعلى (ACGME), و approved by the American Board of Ophthalmology. ال goal of ال residency is to develop skilled practicing comprehensive ophthalmologists و subspecialists by providing extensive clinical و surgical experience over a four-year period. ال progrأكون accepts four residents per year و participates in ال...

العطاءات وطلبات العروض

Register to Download Bids/RFP Documents To view و download any active RFP documents, click ال line item of ال RFP. You will be prompted to complete ال registratiعلى استمارة على ال following page. Once submitted, ال RFP documents will display in ال Documents column. Click ال RFP documents to open الm. As of October 1, 2023 all جديد Bid/RFP documents...
