أمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية

...روsh University Medical Center. ال cardiac critical care rotation, in conjunction with ال consult service, provides direct exposure to ال essential evaluation and management of patients with acute, life-threatening cardiovascular disease and conditions. ال fellows will achieve competency in appropriate and safe transitions of care in critical care environment and out of critical care environment. This rotation provides ال opportunity...

حقوق وواجبات المريض

...financial obligations for your care are met to ال maximum extent possible. To accept ال consequences resulting from not following ال recommended plan of care. To follow ال NO SMOKING rule. Nondiscrimination Statement Discrimination is against ال law. Cook County Health complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on ال basis of race, color, national origin,...

الموارد البشرية

...Office of ال Independent Inspector General (OIIG). ال OIIG and ال EPO will be given an opportunity to review and comment on ال proposed amendment prior to implementation. If ال EPO or ال OIIG objects to ال change, الy must do so in writing within 10 business days and submit ال same to ال Chief of DHR. ال CEO, ال...

العطاءات وطلبات العروض

Register to Download Bids/RFP Documents To view and download any active RFP documents, click ال line item of ال RFP. You will be prompted to complete ال registration form on ال following page. Once submitted, ال RFP documents will display in ال Documents column. Click ال RFP documents to open الm. As of October 1, 2023 all جديد Bid/RFP documents...

الذكرى 30 لمستشفى بروفيدنت

...Cleveland Hall took over as medical director of Provident. 1896 A funding campaign allowed for ال construction of a جديد hospital building at 36th and Dearborn. Abolitionist Frederick Douglass donated to ال campaign. 1898 ال hospital moved to the new 65-bed location at 36th Street. 1933 Provident formed an educational affiliation with ال University of Chicago and purchased a جديد...

علاقات المجتمع

...which provides health care to individuals at ال Cook County Jail and ال Juvenile Temporary Detention Center; and CountyCare, a Medicaid managed care health plan. Through ال health system and ال health plan, CCH cares for more than 500,000 individuals each year, and its physicians are experts in الir fields, committed to providing الir patients with comprehensive, compassionate and cutting-edge...

Notice of Data Security Incident

...ال incident, steps patients can take to protect الir data and ال resources available to help الm. Those letters will begin arriving in ال mail next week. Impacted individuals will receive information on how to monitor الir credit reports and place freezes on ال reports if needed. For those patients whose Social Security numbers may have been impacted, CCH will...

مركز السكتات الدماغية

...to provide targeted care for our patients to help الm recover from ال physical and mental effects of a stroke, and to help الم live the best and healthiest lives post-treatment. What is a Stroke? A stroke is a sudden attack that occurs when blood flow to ال brain is disrupted and causes a decreased flow of oxygen to ال...
