حديثي الولادة في الفترة المحيطة بالولادة

...visas. Prerequisite training/selection criteria: Satisfactory completion of an ACGME-accredited pediatric residency Residents from an موافقة Doctor of Osteopathy Pediatric program (US only) USMLE/COMLEX transcript of scores Medical school transcript of grades At least three letters of recommendations are required Curriculum vitae Personal statement Residents with suitable training from non-US programs may be considered Rotations First year fellow: 1 month of...

رعاية مرضى السرطان

...therapy Surgery Genetic testing Biomarker and genomic assessment Psychological counseling Oncology Research Cook County Health’s oncology program is موافقة by the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer and we have an extensive clinical research commitment funded by the National Cancer Institute. Clinical Trials Stroger Hospital’s Minority/Underserved National Cancer Institute Community Oncology Research Program (MU-NCORP) is a grant-funded, nonprofit program...

برنامج فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية / الإيدز

...also known as pre-exposure prophylaxis, is an FDA موافقة daily prevention pill for HIV negative individuals, who are vulnerable to getting HIV. PEP PEP, or post-exposure prophylaxis, is an emergency antiretroviral medicine used to prevent HIV after a potential exposure. PEP must be started within 72 hours of potentially being exposed through unprotected sex or sharing needles. PEP is not...


...conduct research projects that allow our patients to have access to cutting edge treatments or study ways to deliver high-quality, cost-effective care. All projects are reviewed to ensure that they align with the mission of the health system and our affiliates. Research proposals are reviewed by our federally موافقة institutional review board that includes community representatives to protect research volunteers....

جراحة القولون والمستقيم

Cook County Health’s Colon and Rectal Surgery Residency Program is a world-class program that is among the best in the country with over 40 years of specialty training. The program is fully موافقة by the ACGME and residents are trained to become certified by the American Board of Colon and Rectal Surgery. It is a broadly based and comprehensive surgical...

إعداد البحث

You may only begin the research onboarding process after you and a Cook County Health investigator have agreed on a role on an IRB-approved research project. Please fully complete all forms. Incomplete forms may delay processing and your onboarding. Steps & Requirements 1. These forms are required. Make a copy of all forms for your records. Application (must be signed...

مكتب خطة التوظيف

...Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) has the authority to amend the Employment Plan. The CCH Human Resources (“HR”) Department has the authority to update the Supplemental Policies and Procedures Manual with EPO and OIIG approval. If موافقة (or in the absence of a timely objection), HR posts the update on the CCH website. For a more detailed description of the EPO’s...

تصريحات صحفيه

...to be identified across the United States, including in Illinois, suburban Cook County and the City of Chicago. The current outbreak seems to primarily be… CCH Offering COVID Vaccines for Children Age 6 Months – 4 Years يوليو 1, 2022 The FDA and CDC recently موافقة the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines for children 6 months and older. This is...

خطة العائلة

...making support Free pregnancy tests Well woman exams Pregnancy options counseling HPV Vaccines Post-partum visits Men's Reproductive Health Services Physical Exams STI Testing and treatment Vasectomies Erectile dysfunction Locations Uninsured? No problem- We have you covered! Grant-funded Title X Services available Stroger Family Planning: Tuesday-Thursday North Riverside: Friday Coming soon! Arlington Heights and Belmont Cragin All the following locations accept...

الذكرى العشرون لمستشفى ستروجر

...the country. 1966 Cook County Board of Commissioners convene public hearings on the need for a new hospital. The Board votes 14-3 to submit a Certificate of Need to the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board for a new hospital. The plans are موافقة. 1994 Demolition of the buildings where the new hospital was built begin. 1996 Her Royal Highness, Diana,...
