
مقاطعة كوك Health يكون كومprised of fملكنا main contribution organizations which coordinate fundraising activities, volunteering و charit*]}*able donations for the health نظام و related programs. Cook County Health Foundation, Inc. ال مقاطعة كوك Health Foundation, Inc. أو “CCH Foundation” is an Illinois not-for-profهو - هي corporation formed ل solicit and receive contributions و other financial support ل assist furthering ال mission of...

علاقات المجتمع

...sure أنتr questions on obtaining صحة جنكون services نكون answered. We will also provide أنت مع ال right resources و help ل resolve أنتr issues و those of أنتr constituents, family, friends, و neighbors. To achieve our community relations outreach goals, ملكنا team refers back ل مقاطعة كوك Health’s Strategic Plan, Impact 2023, which guides ال System’s كومmitment to comمناعة ...

رعاية النساء والأطفال

...Delivering Your Baby At Cook County Health​ Watch ملكنا Stroger Hospital Labأو & Delivery tour below ل learn more about the benefits of delivering أنتr baby at our top-rated medical center. Gynecology A gynecologist provides ال diagnosis و management of ال reproductive system و disorders that may affect أنتr reproductive صحة. Many نحيف begin seeing a gynecologist during الir teenage...

معلومات الميزانية

...ال hearings that was received after ال deadlines listed, all written testimony received before 6:00 P.M. on August 24th will be included in ال meeting record. Submهو - هي written testimony to be read into the record by ال Secretary: In advance of ال deadlines posted above, أنت can electronically submit your written testimony for the Public Hearings at https://cookcountyhealth.org/about/board-of-directors/ or it...


...team fأو diseases of ال skull base. We have a كومprehensive program ل provide screening و treatment fأو cancers of ال head و neck, which includes lip, لngue, أوآل ، لnsil, throat, و voicebox cancer as well as tumors of ال sinuses, ear, و neck. ال division also performs plastic و reconstructive surgery with attention ل patients needing reconstruction after trauma...

العطاءات وطلبات العروض

...ال RFP documents ل open الm. As of October 1, 2023 all جديد Bid/RFP documents will be posted على the new CCH Procurement Portal. All documentation posted prior to October 1, 2023, will remain available below until the new Bid/RFP is closed. Questions regarding registration please contact support@gobonfire.com. All other questions should be directed ل purchasing@cookcountyhhs.org. CCH جديد Procurement Portal...

تطبيق المجالس الاستشارية المجتمعية

...2017 or before What language(s) do أنت speak?* We recognize that our community advisors have busy lives. How much time are you able to comمit? (Check one)* 1 ل 2 hours per month3 ل 4 hours per monthMore than 4 hours per month Are you available to serve as an advisأو Fأو at least 3 years?* You can still support...

حديثي الولادة في الفترة المحيطة بالولادة

...well-beعمل و جنكون ل ال patients To provide NPM trainees adequate training in ال diagnosis, critical analysis of clinical problems, و management of neonates and young infants To provide NPM trainees with opportunities fأو progressive acquisition of skills in investigative efforts To prepنكون NPM trainees ل create و sustain a الrapeutic relationship with patients To be involved as a teacher...
