علاقات المجتمع

...our history of inclusivity. (English, Spanish, Polish, Arabic و Mandarin) Community Health Centers Click here to find more فيformation about our facilities. By clicking on each facility, you will be able to download a brochure for the clinic that فيcludes فيformation such as hours ل operation, address و services لfered. Access to Transportation Getting to your medical appointment on time...

الفواتير والتأمين

...Hospital Uninsured Patient Discount Act is a discount program established to help residents living في the State ل Illinois (but outside ل Cook County) who are uninsured to pay for their health care services at Cook County Health. Cook County Health accommodates و respects all cultures و backgrounds. We have staff who can provide direct assistance in English, Spanish, و...

العناية الواعية بالصدمات

...the widespread impact ل صدمة و understو paths for recovery; Recognize the signs و symptoms ل صدمة في patients, families, و staff; فيtegrate knowledge about trauma فيto policies, procedures, و practices; و Actively avoid re-traumatization. How Does Trauma-Informed Care Help فيdividuals Experiencing Trauma? Adopting trauma-فيformed practices can potentially improve patient engagement, treatment adherence, و health outcomes. It can also help...
