الخطة الإستراتيجية الصحية لمقاطعة كوك 2023-2025

...Plan and conducted an employee survey to obtain valuable feedback. CCH emailed employees and advised الm of ال opportunity to participate in ال town halls. In total, more than 450 individuals attended ال employee Town Hall meetings. Employee Survey Summary CCH received nearly 400 responses to ال survey. Strengths that were noted included CCH’s commitment to ال underserved, ال quality...

ممارسة الأعمال التجارية مع Cook County Health

...ال date upon which ال notice of ال System SCM Director’s intended award or recommendation is posted. ال Bid protest must specify ال basis upon which ال recommendation is erroneous, or ال basis upon which ال Bid procedure was unfair, including a statement of how ال alleged error or unfairness prejudiced ال protesting Bidder and ال action requested of ال...

أمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية

...database, data exploration, principles of biostatistics, data presentation, and manuscript writing. Exams In-service ACC exأكون – every year For ال past 10 years, our fellows’ mean score consistently ranked in is ال top 2.5 percentile أكونong > 200 progrأكون across ال nation In-service EKG exأكون – every year (Rush University and Stroger Hospital of Cook County fellows participate) National Board...

لامار هاسبروك ، دكتوراه في الطب

...UCLA. His internal medicine residency took place at نيويورك-Presbyterian Hospital. He received a certificate in State Health Leadership from ال Harvard Kennedy School and earned his MBA from ال University of Saint Mary. He is a diplomat with the American Board of Internal Medicine and a former member of ال Advisory Committee to ال CDC Director, Health Disparities Subcommittee....

تطبيق المجالس الاستشارية المجتمعية

...ال Advisory Council if you answer "no." YesNo How do you want to help? I want to:* Serve as a member of ال Citizen Advisory Council. Advisory Council members should be ready to commit to serving on for at least 2-3 years. ال Council meets once a quarter for 1 ½ to 2 hours. Make thoughtful recommendations on issues affecting...

انضم إلى قائمة توزيع النشرة الإخبارية للمجتمع

Name* First Name Last Name Title Organization Email* Mobile Phone Work Phone Work Fax Website Address* عنوان الشارع العنوان: السطر الثاني المدينة ألاباماالولايات المتحدة/ألاسكاساموا الأمريكيةالولايات المتحدة/أريزوناأركنساسكاليفورنياكولورادوكونيتيكتديلاويرمقاطعة كولومبيافلوريداجورجياغوامالولايات المتحدة/هاوايايداهوإلينويإندياناآيواكانساسكنتاكيولاية لويزياناولاية مينميريلاندماساتشوستسميشيغانمينيسوتاميسيسيبيميسوريمونتانانبراسكانيفادانيو هامبشايرنيو جيرسينيو ميكسيكونيويورككارولاينا الشماليةداكوتا الشماليةجزر ماريانا الشماليةاوهايوأوكلاهوماأوريجونبنسلفانيابورتوريكورود ايلاندكارولينا الجنوبيةداكوتا الجنوبيةتينيسيتكساسيوتاجزر فيرجن الأمريكيةفيرمونتفرجينياواشنطنفرجينيا الغربيةويسكونسنوايومنغالقوات المسلحة الأمريكتينالقوات المسلحة الأوروبيةالقوات المسلحة في المحيط الهادئ State الرمز البريدى CAPTCHA Phone هذا الحقل لأغراض التحقق...

طلب المشاركة في برنامج

...Audience How many participants are anticipated? Is ال event open to ال public? Yes No Is a language Interpretation Needed? Yes No Can we publicize ال event? Yes No Virtual Platform for event: What are ال different social media handles for ال event? Tell us additional information about ال event: CAPTCHA Phone هذا الحقل لأغراض التحقق ويجب تركه دون تغيير....

تقديم الشهادة الإلكترونية

...on ال agendas of remotely-held meetings will be accepted electronically.  Testimony can be submitted electronically below, or via email message to ال CCH Secretary to ال Board at dsantana@cookcountyhhs.org.  When submitting your testimony message, please include whether your comments are being submitted for a Board Meeting or a meeting of one of ال Committees and ال date of ال meeting....

تسجيل المتحدث العام

ال public may testify at الse meetings. Persons wishing to testify should click on ال “Register as a Public Speaker” below. Each speaker will be limited to three (3) minutes. Speakers are requested to submit fifteen (15) copies of any written statement to ال CCH Board Secretary prior to speaking....

طلب التحقق

...ال following information regarding ال trainee in which you are requesting verification. Name* الاول الاخير Is ال trainee's current name ال same as ال name used at ال time of CCHHS training?* Yes No Name at ال Time of CCHHS Training* Please include ال name of ال trainee at ال time that he/she was in ال CCHHS training program. الاول...
