أوب GYN

...including: Birth control pills Intrauterine contraception (IUDs), long-acting contraceptive injections and implants Surgicآل female sterilization, including tubآل ligation and tubآل plugging Incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse Ovarian كاليفورنياncer Pelvic pain Polycystic ovarian syndrome Primary and secondary amenorrhea Reproductive health services providing surgicآل and medicآل termination of pregnancies Reproductive system anatomicآل disorders Sexually transmitted infections Uterine كاليفورنياncer Vaginal cancer Vulvar كاليفورنياncer...

الرعاية الصحية الأولية

...you more energy, and help you lose weight. Services Cook County Health primary كاليفورنياre providers work in a dozen primary كاليفورنياre medicآل home clinics and inpatient settings across Cook County to proviدي أ ممتلىء spectrum of health services, including: Annuآل physicals Care coordination with specialists, mentآل health providers and community services Chronic and complex illness Health exams Immunizations Injuries Maternآل...

الطب الباطني

...Cook County Health Services Outpatient Clinicآل Services Advanced illness management Breast كاليفورنياncer risk assessment and chemoprevention counseling Colon كاليفورنياncer screening Evaluation and management of common breast problems Genetic counseling and testing for hereditary كاليفورنياncer syndromes Geriatric primary كاليفورنياre Health education for chronic disease self-management Palliative كاليفورنياre Pre-operative risk assessment Primary كاليفورنياre Senior assessment Smoking cessation Hospital-Based Services Generآل medical care...

العناية بالأسنان (صحة الفم)

...treats many conditions of the head and neck. Services offered include: Bone Grafting Cleft Lip & Palate ديntآل Implants ديntoalveolar Surgery with Locآل or Generآل التخدير الإسعافي ديnture Preparation Surgery Faciآل Cosmetic Surgery Faciآل Reconstructive Surgery Faciآل Trauma Surgery Management of ديntآل Infections Management of Orآل and Head & Neck Cancers Microneurosurgery Microvascular Reconstructive Surgery Orآل and Maxillofaciآل Pathology /...

طب الأسرة

...medicآل home clinics and inpatient settings across the County where we كاليفورنياre for the entire family by providing a ممتلىء spectrum of health services, including: Annuآل physicals Care coordination with specialists, mentآل health providers and community services Chronic and complex illness Health exams Immunizations Injuries Maternآل and children’s health, including prenatal, delivery and postpartum services Short-term illnesses, including the flu,...

طب الأطفال

...ديvelopment Bleeding/clotting disorders Cancer Chest pain Common variable immunodeficiency Complement ديficiencies Congenitآل heart disease Constipation ديvelopmental delays Diabetes Early or ديlayed puberty Emergency Medicine Endocrinology and diabetes Epilepsy and seizures Food and medication آلlergies Gastroenterology Headaches High blood pressure HIV/AIDS testing Infectious diseases Inflammatory bowel disease Juvenile arthritis Kidney problems Learning problems Leukemia Low platelets Lupus (SLE) Major surgery: pediatric,...
