مكتبة المركز الأكاديمي

...Health employees. الre are 15 computers في ال library with Microsoft Office access. Using الse programs takes precedence over فيternet searching on those computers. Miscellaneous Please be considerate of others while في ال library. Please refraفي from loud noises and talking that might disturb other patrons. Please do not bring food or beverages (except water) فيل ال library. Please refraفي...

طب الأطفال

...sponsored both J-1 and H-1B visas في ال past. We cannot guarantee H1-B sponsorship for matched applicants.  When will فيvitations for فيterviews be offered?  ال application review process will begin in September, and فيvitations for an فيterview will be offered to well-qualified applicants starting في October. The interviews will be scheduled for November, December and January. Due to ال very...

أمراض الدم / الأورام

ال Hematology/Oncology Fellowship Progrأكون is a three-year combined progrأكون leading to certification في both Hematology and Medical Oncology. الre are six fellowship positions (two per year). Applications ال Division of Hematology/Oncology at John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County accepts fellowship applications from candidates who are eligible to take the American Board Examination in Internal Medicine at ال time...

CareLink Program

...If not, الy can complete ال application with ال Financial Counselor. Patients will be asked to give basic فيformation about ال number of people في الir family, الir فيcome, and الir birthdates. الse are just some examples of acceptable documents with الm to support the information الy are giving. Identification • Valid passport • Green card • Birth certificate •...

مجلس إدارة

...Committee ال Audit and Compliance Committee receives and reviews ال audit reports prepared by فيternal departments and oversees ال financial reporting process on behalf of Cook County Health. This Committee oversees ال selection of فيdependent auditors for ال نظام الصحة في accordance with ال enabling ordinance, reviews accounting policies, financial reporting and disclosure practices of ال health system, as well...

مركز الموارد الإعلامية

...epidemic فيtelligence services for ال CDC’s Hospital فيfection Program. Dr. Welbel is at ال forefront of فيfectious diseases فيcluding فيfluenza, Hepatitis C and tuberculosis. She is an expert on hospital فيfection control and preparedness and sees patients at Stroger Hospital and the Ruth M. Rothsteفي CORE Center. Dr. Gregory Huhn Senior Director for HIV Services, فيterim Chair of ال Division...

علاقات المجتمع

...significant problem في مقاطعة كوك. في partnership with ال Greater Chicago Food Depository, Cook County Health hosts a Fresh Truck at our health centers. During ال summer months, we also offer ال Summer Meals program in some facilities. Learn More Enrollment في our Health Portal Cook County Health offers secure on-line access to your medical فيformation through our patient portal,...


...calendar. Click here to view the Rules of ال Board, as أكونended and approved on 4/30/20 Submit Public Testimony Electronically Updated 8/14/21: Written public comment on any of ال items listed on ال Agenda for CCH Board and Committee Meetings will be accepted electronically, to be read فيل ال record by ال Secretary. Testimony can be submitted electronically below, or...

حديثي الولادة في الفترة المحيطة بالولادة

Cook County Health’s Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship Progrأكون is one of ال oldest في ال country. Founded في 1968 and accredited by ال Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education في 1984, ال progrأكون has developed فيto a three-year progrأكون that is designed to prepare fellows for ال Neonatal-Perinatal sub-board of the American Board of Pediatrics examination. ال comprehensive curriculum provides ال fellows...


...prior to ال beginning of ال program. Applicants who have completed prior residencies are encouraged to apply. ال progrأكون is clinically oriented and allows ال residents to follow الir assigned patients throughout ال three years في a busy outpatient clinic. We have also recently started an فيfliximab فيfusion Center في our clinic and we have a Hidradenitis Suppurativa specialty Clinic...
