أمراض الرئة والعناية المركزة وطب النوم

...ملكنا نظام ل make a meaningful impact fأو those who need us most. نحن a tertiary referral center fأو a large network of كومmunity و ambulatory cنكون sites throughout ال city such as Austin, Cicero و Logan Square, as well as ملكنا affiliate Provident Hospital in Bronzeville. نحن also ال regional referral center fأو tuberculosis care, and work...

John H. Stroger، Jr. مستشفى مقاطعة كوك

As ال flagship of Cook County Health, John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital remains at ال forefront of new therapies و innovations in صحةجare. The 450-bed teaching hospital serves as ال hub fأو مقاطعة كوك Health Fأو delivery of specialty و sub-specialty care. We are home ل one of ال busiest Level 1 trauma centers in ال nation و ال hospital’s...

دليل الأطباء

...الrapy HIV Testing HIV/AIDs Cنكون HIV/AIDS Program HIV/STI Cنكون Infants Cنكون Infectious Diseases Infusion Intensive Cنكون Internal Medicine Kidney Cنكون & Hypertension (Nephrology) Labأو & Delivery Language الrapy Lung Health (Pulmonology) Medicine Mental Health Mental Health Services Neonatal Cنكون Neurology Neurology & Neurosurgery Nutrition OB/GYN Occupational الrapy Pain Management Center Pediatrics Pharmacy Physical الrapy Pregnancy Cنكون Prevention & Education Programs...

رعاية مرضى السرطان

...scary و confusing fأو patients و الir families. ال American Cancer Society has provided Cook County Health funding fأو a patient navigation program, which guides patients و الir families as الy move through the healthجنكون system. This navigation program can help with insurance questions, finding doctors, explaining treatment و جنكون options, كومmunicating with الir صحةجنكون team و managing medical paperwork....

الموجات فوق الصوتية في حالات الطوارئ

...ultrasound learners of all levels Experience in Emergency Ultrasound Program development, من machine maintenance ل credentialing ل training Attend ال ACEP/CORD Teaching Fellowship Conference as well as ال Rocky Mountain Conference in Emergency Medicine كومpetitive Salary with Benefits Three و Four-year EM residency graduates welcome ل apply Learn about مقاطعة كوك Health’s Emergency Fellowship Programs. EUS Fellowship Application Contact David...

الدكتورة كلوديا فيجان

...و يكون ال 2017 recipient of ال Paul Cornely Award fأو her work as a صحة جنكون activist. She has testified before Congress و is known as an expert in صحة جنكون reform in ال U.S. و Canada. She is also certified in صحة جنكون quality و management و is a Diplomate of ال American Board of Quality Assurance و...

طب العظام

Whether you are dealing with ال pain of arthritis أو suffered a sport injury, Cook County Health’s أوthopedics team is ready ل help. أوthopedics focuses on ال treatment of musculoskeletal injuries و ال correction of deformities of ال bones. Patients with joint dislocations, fractures, soft tissue injuries, infectious conditions و rheumatologic diseases may be referred ل ا أوthopedic physician. أوthopedics...

أمراض القلب / القلب والأوعية الدموية

...a صحةy diet with low sodium, saturated fat و sugar Exercise fأو at least 150 minutes of moderate activity أو 75 minutes of rigorous activity per week Lower أنتr blood pressure Lower أنتr cholesterol Quهو - هي smoking كومmon Conditions Cook County Health is prepared ل جنكون Fأو those with كومmon and complex heart و vascular conditions including: Arrhythmia Cardiomyopathy Congestive heart...
