
...also the healthcare provider for Cook County Jail, the second-largest urban county jail in the United States. A third of our patients do not speak إنجليزي. Knowing Spanish is really helpful, though absolutely not required as we have easy access to interpreters for any needs that may arise. Most of our residents learn significant medical Spanish by the time they...

أمراض الرئة والعناية المركزة وطب النوم

...dedicated ultrasound faculty that lead image review and didactics. Research Experience Active participation in research is an integral part of our fellowship training. A wide range of opportunities exist for involvement in clinical research and quality improvement projects. Our faculty are involved in mentoring fellows during their research training. Fellows are introduced to research towards the end of the first...

خدمات التمريض

...Care Unit Perioperative Trauma Care روth M. Rothstein Core Center Nursing Support The Division of Nursing Professional Development and Education believes that continued education of new medical theories, practices and technology is essential for serving the needs of our patient population. The Nursing Quality Department at John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital oversees quality improvements made to policies. Nursing Benefits at...
