Thomas D. Patrianakos, DO

Thomas D. Patrianakos, DO

Professional Details

Faculty Rank
Division Chairman

Professional Training & Education

Midwestern University
Cook County Hospital
Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary

Research & Publications

Research Interests
Glaucoma, optic nerve imaging techniques, micro invasive glaucoma surgery

1. Patrianakos TD, Pathak N, Cheng EL, Icasiano EJ, Dray PB, Ahuja RM. 2006. Efficacy of SLT for Treatment of Advanced Open Angle Glaucoma in African-Americans. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine; 38S18: 105-1092.

2. Patrianakos TD, Pasquale LR. 2007. Presentations of Diabetic Retinopathy, Age Related Macular Degeneration & Cataracts. Harvard Medical School-Online CME interactive internet course

3. Patrianakos TD, Pasquale LR. Laser Treatment of Glaucoma. July, 2007. Contemporary Ophthalmology.

4. Patrianakos TD, Nagao K, Walton DL. 2008. Surgical Management of Glaucoma with the Sturge Weber Syndrome. International Ophthalmology Clinics, Spring, 48(2):63-78.

5. Patrianakos TD, Pasquale LR. Pigmentary Dispersion Syndrome and Pigmentary Glaucoma. Albert and Jakobiec’s Principle and Practice of Ophthalmology, 3rd Edition, Volume 2; 2595-2605.

6. Patrianakos TD. Chapter 6-Optic Nerve Imaging. Glaucoma: Color Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Ophthalmology (Wills Eye Series), 2nd Edition. 64-81.

7. Patrianakos TD. Chapter 13-Management of Surgical Complications. The Glaucoma Handbook. 199-218.

8. Sengal N, Anchala A, Patrianakos TD. Efficacy of Transscleral Diode Laser Cyclophotocoagulation on Neovascular Glaucoma: Vein Occlusion versus Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2012; 53(14):5973

9. Chen M, LaMattina KC, Patrianakos TD, Dwarakanathan S. Complication rate ofposterior capsule rupture with vitreous loss during phacoemulsification at a Hawaiian cataract surgical center: a clinical audit. Clinical Ophthalmology 2014:8;375-378.

10. Patrianakos TD. Anatomic and Physiological Rationale to be Applied in Accessing the Suprachoroidal Space for Management of Glaucoma. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2014:40;1285-1290.

11. Patrianakos TD. Editor: Update in Ophthalmology. Dis Mon. Elseveir Publications: June 2014.

12. Logothetis H, Leikin SM, Patrianakos TD. Management of Anterior Segment Trauma. Dis Mon. 2014:60(6);247-253.

13. Lamba N, Logothetis H, Patrianakos TD, Anderson, E. Effects of Argon LaserSuture Lysis on Outcomes of Trabeculectomies. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014; 55(13); 3161.

14. Patel K, Dworak D, Lamba N, Patel S, Patrianakos TD. A Correlation Between PrimaryOpen Angle Glaucoma and Renal Function. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014;55; 533.

15. Dworak D, Kapustiak J, Ekhlassi TA, Patrianakos TD: Primary Cutaneous Coccidiomycosis of the Eyelid: A Case Report. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2014:20;1-2.

16. Patrianakos TD, Martin E: Point/Counterpoint: Is Cost a Viable Reason to Perform Glaucoma Surgery First? Yes, early surgery offers economic as well as health benefits. Glaucoma Today. January/February 2015; 34-38.

17. Chen M, Hill GM, Patrianakos TD, Ku ES, Chen ML: Oral diazepam versus intravenous midazolam for conscious sedation during cataract surgery performed using topical anesthesia. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2015; 41(2):415-421.

18. Chen M, Anderson E, Hill GM, Chen JJ, Patrianakos TD: Comparison of cumulative dissipated energy between the Infiniti and Centurion phacoemulsification systems. Clinical Ophthalmology. 2015:9; 1367-1372.

19. Pasquale LR, Hanyuda A, Ren A, Giovingo M, Greenstein SH, Cousins C, Patrianakos T,Tanna AP, Wanderling C, Norkett W, Wiggs JL, Green K, Kang JH, Knepper PA: Nailfold capillary abnormalities in primary open angle glaucoma: a Multisite Study. Invest Ophthal & Vis Sci. 2015: 56(12); 7021-7028.

20. Chen M, Segrave Z, Patrianakos TD, Dwarakanathan S, Chen J: A Pilot Study to Compare Using Verion Imaging Guided System (Alcon) To Manual Marking In Assisting LRI (Limbal Relaxation Incision) To Reduce Cylinder Power in CataractSurgery. International J Open Access Ophthal. 2016: 1 (1): 1-4.

21. Knepper PA, Cousins C, Bielskus I, Patel M, Volpe NJ, Patrianakos T, Giovingo M, Pasquale LR, Stern R: Alzheimer’s disease and open angle glaucoma may share nailfold capillary abnormalities. Invest Ophthal & Vis Sci. 2016: 57(12):2977.

22. Giovingo M, Kelsey G, Carey K, Bielskus I, Patel M, Patrianakos T, Samples JR, Martin E, Knepper PA: The Multiple Hit Theory of Primary Open Angle Glaucoma. Invest Ophthal & Vis Sci. 2016: 57(12):3015.

23. Patel K, Dawood S, Rafay H, Patrianakos T, Giovingo M: Results of a Novel Glaucoma Treatment: Micropulse Transcleral Cyclophotocoagulation Diode Laser. Invest Ophthal & Vis Sci. 2016: 57(12):6484.

24. Martin E, Patrianakos T, Giovingo M. Medication Induced Glaucoma. Dis Month. 2017 Feb; 63(2):54-57. PMID:28213984

25. Valeshabad AK, Seagrave Z, Bamba S, Dwarakanathan S, Patrianakos TD: Allergic Bilateral Blepharoconjunctivitis and Periorbital Edema Following Rituximab, Bendamustine and Bortezomib Chemotherapy. JOJ Ophthal. 2017;2(3):555587.

26. Patrianakos TD, Martin E: See You for CME: Meetings remain an important component of continuing medical education. Glaucoma Today. January/February 2017; 36.

27. Patrianakos TD, Giovingo MC: Chapter 6-Optic Nerve Imaging. Glaucoma: Color Atlas & Synopsis of Clinical Ophthalmology (Wills Eye Series), 3rd Edition. Pages 74-94. 2017.

28. Patrianakos TD: Optimizing Topical Meds in Glaucoma. Review of Ophthalmology. October 2017; 52-57.

29. Giovingo MC, Patel KB, Martin EA, Greenberg MJ, Samples JR, Knepper PA, Patrianakos TD. Micropulse cyclophotocoagulation: an update on a novel glaucoma treatment. Glaucoma Research and Clinical Advances 2018-2020: 265-276.

30. Patrianakos TD: Complex Case Management Series: Intermittently Blurry Vision and IOP Spikes. Glaucoma Today. May/June 2018; 43.

31. Patrianakos TD: When One MIGS Procedure Fails, What’s Next? Glaucoma Today. November/December 2018; 10-13.

32. Patrianakos TD. January Consultation. J Catract Refract Surg. 2020; 46(1): 160.

33. Patel S, Kakouri, A, Chaudhary S, Knepper, Patrianakos T, Giovingo M. The Effect of Various Media Probe Angles on Power Output of Cyclo G6 Laser System. Laser Med Sci. 2020; 18: 25-32.

34. Giovingo MC, Patrianakos TD et al. “Cyclophotocoagulation”. Current Developments in Glaucoma Surgery and MIGS. Edited by Samples and Ahmed, Kugler, 2020.

35. Patrianakos TD, Giovingo MC, Pasquale LR. Pigmentary Dispersion Syndrome and Pigmentary Glaucoma. Albert and Jakobiec’s Principle and Practice of Ophthalmology, 4th Edition. .

36. Robin A, Thomas, C, Giovingo, MC, PatrianakosTD. Post-operative one-hour intraocular pressure spikes and long term pressure efficacy in micropulse laser trabeculoplasty (MLT) vs selective laser trabeculopasty (SLT). Invest Ophthal & Vis Sci. 2020: 61:5245.

37. Sarkisian, SR, Patrianakos TD, for the ASCRS Glaucoma Clinical Committee: Visual outcomes of combined cataract surgery and minimally invasive glaucoma surgery. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2020; 46(10):1422-1432.

38. Patrianakos TD. January Consultation # 10. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2020 Jan;46(1):160. doi: 10.1097/01.j.jcrs.0000668292.81674.6a.

39. Giovingo MC, Patrianakos TD et al. “Micopulse Laser Trabeculoplasty.” Glaucoma Research and Clinical Advances 2020-2022. Edited by Samples and Knepper, Kugler, 2021.

40. Patrianakos TD. 2021. The New Valveless Glaucoma Drainage Device: An Expert’s Take. Medscape Ophthalmology. April 28th, 2021.

41. Mannina A, Olivier MG, Patrianakos TD. Ocular Manifestation of Diabetes for the PrimaryCare: Neovascular Glaucoma. Dis Month. 2021 May; 67(5):54-57.


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Thomas D. Patrianakos, DO

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