Radiología y diagnóstico por imágenes

El Departamento de Radiología y Diagnóstico por Imágenes de Cook County Health se esfuerza por brindar imágenes de alta calidad centradas en el paciente utilizando equipos de última generación.

Nuestros radiólogos ofrecen rayos X, tomografía computarizada (TC), resonancia magnética (IRM), fluoroscopia y ecografías para ayudar a diagnosticar y tratar a los pacientes.

Servicios Comunes

We offer a comprehensive range of radiology and diagnostic imaging services to meet the diverse needs of our patients:

Detailed scans to assess organs and structures within the abdomen.

Specialized imaging to assess heart function and structure.

Advanced imaging technology for detailed internal images.

Real-time imaging to view the digestive system, and guide procedures.

Imaging related to the female reproductive system.

Specialized imaging for early detection of breast cancer.

High-resolution images particularly useful for diagnosing neurological and musculoskeletal conditions.

Focuses on bones, joints, and soft tissues.

Imaging of the brain and nervous system.

Uses small amounts of radioactive material to diagnose, treat, and track the progress of diseases.

Various imaging technologies during surgery to provide real-time guidance to surgeons.

Imaging of the chest, including the heart and lungs.

Imaging using sound waves to visualize soft tissues, organs, and blood flow.

Imaging and diagnostic techniques used to evaluate the urinary system.

Specialized tests to examine the circulation in blood vessels.

Fundamental imaging for a broad range of diagnostic purposes.

Why Choose Cook County Health for Radiología y diagnóstico por imágenes?

  • Expert Team: Our radiologists and technicians are leaders in their field, providing expert interpretations and compassionate care.
  • Tecnología avanzada: We use cutting-edge imaging technology to ensure the best possible diagnostic clarity.
  • Servicios Integrales: From routine screenings to complex diagnostic procedures, we offer a full spectrum of imaging services under one roof.


To schedule your MRI, CT, fluoroscopy or ultrasound, call (312) 864-3744. To schedule your mammogram, call (312) 864-3808. We are here to assist you with all your diagnostic imaging needs.
A white telephone handset icon alongside a teal medical cross on a dark blue background.

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Llámanos al: (312) 864-0200


A man in a light-colored lab coat with a patch that reads CCHHS and Radiology. He has short, dark hair and is wearing a striped tie. The background is a textured blue-gray.
Dr. Michael A. Apushkin
Body Imaging
Dr. Ionut C. Bugeag is pictured wearing glasses, a gray coat, and a blue shirt and is looking directly at the camera. The background is composed of various shades of blue, creating a calm and professional setting.
Dr. Ionut C. Bugeag
Breast Imaging
Blue square background with white text in the center that reads Cook County Health.
Doctor en Medicina Osbert O. Egiebor
Advanced MRI Imaging and Pediatric Radiology
A man in a white medical coat with an ATTENDING STAFF badge poses against a blue background. He is wearing glasses and a patterned tie, smiling at the camera.
Dr. Peter J. Egofske
Neurointerventional Radiology


Atención Cerca de Casa

Atención de alta calidad con una gran red de centros de atención médica en el condado de Cook

Avenida Ogden Oeste, 1969
Chicago, Illinois 60612

(312) 864-6000
A nurse in blue scrubs smiles warmly while holding the hand of an older person. They are sitting in a bright room, creating a comforting and supportive atmosphere.
Radiología y diagnóstico por imágenes
es_MXEspañol de México