Ortopedia zajmuje się leczeniem urazów układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego i korekcją deformacji kości.
Życie z bolesnym bólem lub urazem jest trudne i często niepotrzebne. Ważne jest, aby pacjenci szukali pomocy u lekarza, jeśli doświadczyli jakiegoś rodzaju urazu kości, stawu, ścięgna lub nerwu, lub jeśli odczuwają przewlekły ból stawów lub kości. Z pomocą lekarza Cook County Health pacjenci mogą poprawić swoją mobilność i jakość życia.
Minimally invasive procedures for the knee, elbow, wrist, and shoulder to treat and diagnose various conditions.
Advanced surgical care for severe bone fractures that require precise reconstruction.
Comprehensive treatment ranging from simple corrective procedures to complex surgeries.
High-quality hip, knee, and shoulder replacements using the latest in prosthetic technology.
Specialized care for athletic injuries to help patients return to their activities safely.
Surgical and non-surgical options to alleviate pain and restore function in joints damaged by arthritis.
Immediate and comprehensive care to realign joints and heal fractures.
Managing infections that affect the bones and joints.
Care for conditions like rheumatoid arthritis that affect the joints and soft tissues.
Treatment for injuries to muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
Surgical and non-surgical options to alleviate pain and restore function in joints damaged by arthritis.
Immediate and comprehensive care to realign joints and heal fractures.
Managing infections that affect the bones and joints.
Care for conditions like rheumatoid arthritis that affect the joints and soft tissues.
Treatment for injuries to muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
W zależności od diagnozy pacjenta, Cook County Health oferuje kompleksowe leczenie ortopedyczne, od zabiegów mało inwazyjnych po pełne zabiegi rekonstrukcyjne.
Our orthopedic team combines advanced medical technology with personalized care to ensure the best outcomes for our patients:
Podejście skoncentrowane na pacjencie: We focus on individual patient needs, crafting treatment plans that address your specific health goals and conditions.
If you’re experiencing joint or bone pain, or have suffered from an injury, don’t wait to seek treatment. Contact Cook County Health today to schedule an appointment with one of our orthopedic specialists. Let us help you take the first step towards a more active and pain-free life.