Comprehensive assessments of eye health and visual function.
Regularne badania wzroku są kluczowe dla wczesnego wykrywania chorób oczu, z których wiele nie daje objawów, dopóki nie rozwiną się znacząco. Zalecamy przestrzeganie wytycznych American Academy of Ophthalmology dotyczących badań wzroku:
For detailed imaging of the blood vessels in the retina.
High-resolution imaging to assess retinal health.
Detailed scans of the retina to monitor and treat retinal diseases.
To examine the eye when the view of the retina is obstructed.
To evaluate the visual field and detect any blind spots.
Such as blurred or double vision.
In one or both eyes.
Cook County Health physicians utilize many methods of sophisticated care options to treat eye diseases.
Advanced laser treatments for various retinal and anterior eye conditions.
Nasi okuliści wykonują zarówno drobne, jak i poważne operacje oczu w celu leczenia poważnych schorzeń oczu:
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact us at the number provided. Protecting your vision is vital to maintaining your quality of life, and at Cook County Health, we are here to support your eye health every step of the way.