Jeff McCutchan
Radca prawny

Jeff McCutchan

As general counsel, Jeff McCutchan provides legal advice counsel to the Cook County Health Board of Directors and administrators, and supervises the Office of General Counsel and Risk Management Department. Mr. McCutchan often collaborates with the Cook County State’s Attorney and represents the health system in legal proceedings, as well as ensures compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.

Prior to joining Cook County Health in 2015, Mr. McCutchan worked for the Cook County State’s Attorney Civil Actions Bureau for more than 10 years. He has also held roles in private practice and in legal education. Throughout his legal career, Mr. McCutchan has predominantly represented public interest clients, including municipalities, not-for-profits and other units of local government. Mr. McCutchan studied political science at the University of Missouri at Columbia and received his law degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Jeff McCutchan

Programy stypendialne

Programy stypendialne Cook County Health poszerzają wiedzę i umiejętności lekarzy poprzez rygorystyczne szkolenia kliniczne, dostęp do zaawansowanych badań i bogate doświadczenie w warunkach szpitalnych i ambulatoryjnych.
Stypendium dla pielęgniarki dyplomowanej zaawansowanej praktyki (APRN)
Pediatria Przegląd
Nadużycia wobec dzieci
Pediatryczny neonatologiczny i okołoporodowy
Chirurgia witreoretinalna
Chirurgiczna Terapia Krytyczna, Urazy i Oparzenia
Medycyna pulmonologiczna, intensywna terapia i medycyna snu
Lek na ból
Toksykologia medyczna
Medycyna hospicyjna i paliatywna