Zawiadomienie o incydencie bezpieczeństwa danych

Superior Air-Ground Ambulance Service, Inc., on behalf of itself and relevant affiliated covered entities and subsidiaries, including Metro Paramedic Services, Inc. and Illinois Medi-Car, Inc., (“Superior”) recently informed Cook County Health (“CCH”) of a data security incident that may have impacted CCH patients’ information. This notice provides information about the event, our response to it, and steps impacted individuals can take to help protect their personal and protected health information. Superior has CCH patient information because CCH contracts their services to provide patients with ambulance, paratransit and/or courtesy van transportation.Impacted patients were mailed a copy of this letter to the most recent home address on file.

What Happened? In May 2023, Superior learned of unusual activity within its computer systems. Theypromptly took steps to secure the system and began a comprehensive investigation to confirm the full nature, scope, and impact of the event. On June 23, 2023, the investigation determined that an unauthorized actor copied certain files from the network between May 15 and May 23, 2023. Superiorthen worked to undertake a comprehensive and time-intensive review of the affected files to identify and catalogue what information was present and to whom that information relates. They also worked to determine contact information for those individuals. It is important to note that no CCH systems or records were affected by this event.

What Information Was Involved? Based on the investigation, each individual may have had different information impacted. Data elements included name, date of birth, address, and location of appointment.

What We Are Doing. Superior views its responsibility to safeguard information in its possession as a top priority. Upon learning of this incident, they promptly took steps to secure their systemsand began a thorough investigation. Since the event, Superior has been working to provide affected individuals with accurate and complete notice. They have taken steps to review policies and procedures and have added additional security measures. Superior is also providing notice of this incident to potentially impacted individuals along with guidance on how impacted individuals can better protect their information. Superior has also notified relevant state and federal regulators as applicable.

What You Can Do. CCH and Superior encourage impacted individuals to remain aware of potential incidents of identity theft and fraud by reviewing account statements and monitoring free credit reports for suspicious activity and to detect errors.

For More Information. If you have questions about this incident, please call our dedicated assistance line at 1-833-566-2450, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern time, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. You may also write to Superior directly at: 395 W. Lake St., Elmhurst, Illinois 60126.

Zawiadomienie o incydencie bezpieczeństwa danych

Programy stypendialne

Programy stypendialne Cook County Health poszerzają wiedzę i umiejętności lekarzy poprzez rygorystyczne szkolenia kliniczne, dostęp do zaawansowanych badań i bogate doświadczenie w warunkach szpitalnych i ambulatoryjnych.
Stypendium dla pielęgniarki dyplomowanej zaawansowanej praktyki (APRN)
Pediatria Przegląd
Nadużycia wobec dzieci
Pediatryczny neonatologiczny i okołoporodowy
Chirurgia witreoretinalna
Chirurgiczna Terapia Krytyczna, Urazy i Oparzenia
Medycyna pulmonologiczna, intensywna terapia i medycyna snu
Lek na ból
Toksykologia medyczna
Medycyna hospicyjna i paliatywna