
Cook County Health Tips For Cold Weather

17 1 月, 2025
A smartphone displaying a thermometer icon and a snowflake, resting on a pale blue surface. Surrounding the phone are winter accessories: gray knit gloves, a matching beanie, and a fringed scarf.

As a reminder, it can take just minutes to start experiencing the physical effects of cold weather exposure.

Cook County Health offers the following tips to keep residents safe during the winter months

  • 穿多层衣服,包括帽子和手套。穿多层衣服是保持身体温暖的最佳方式,因为衣服之间的空气起到了额外的隔热作用。
  • Continued cold exposure can lead to frostnip or frostbite. Carefully rewarm exposed areas with a warm, wet washcloth. See a doctor if cold, hard, blotchy skin appears or if the area becomes painful, swollen or a fever occurs.
    • 冻伤是轻微的冻伤,皮肤变暖时可能会感到刺痛或疼痛。
    • 冻伤可能在 30 分钟内发生。症状可能以针刺感或刺痛感开始。皮肤也可能变成不同的颜色,包括红色、白色、蓝色、紫色或灰色,具体取决于严重程度。
  • Limit your time outdoors, if possible.
  • If you have to be outside, even if it’s for a short time like to take garbage out, bring a cell phone. Slipping on ice could leave you unable to get up and leave you vulnerable to the elements.
  • Check on neighbors as well as elderly family members and friends.
  • 老年人或相对不爱运动的人在铲雪时应小心谨慎。突然用力加上寒冷的天气会导致心率和血压升高,从而导致致命的后果。如果您身体健康,运动量大,请帮助邻居清理积雪。
  • 了解体温过低的症状。如果有人出现剧烈颤抖、说话含糊、昏昏欲睡以及协调性丧失等症状,请寻求紧急帮助。体温过低是指身体散热速度快于产热速度。
  • 需要时寻求医疗救治。不要因为得不到所需的救治而危及生命。这可能是一个致命的决定。

库克县应急管理和区域安全部 (EMRS) 还提供了应对严寒冬季天气的其他建议。点击 这里 获得更多提示。


点击链接查看完整的取暖中心列表 库克县 和 芝加哥.

Cook County Health Tips For Cold Weather