该科室每年治疗 50,000 名患者,进行 2,300 多例大型眼科手术、10,000 次眼内注射和 2,000 多例激光手术。此外,还进行眼科疾病的常规医疗管理以及无数的小手术。眼科是外科部下最繁忙的部门。
PGY-1 住院医师职位于 2021 年 7 月纳入该计划,为我们的住院医师开始正式的眼科培训之前提供全面的体验。
第二年,住院医生将融入斯特罗格医院眼科诊所,以及我们位于 和睦医院.
综合诊所 - 一年级住院医师在综合诊所工作,并根据熟练程度执行前段激光、视网膜激光手术、玻璃体内注射和其他办公室内手术。
眼科整形外科 – 眼科整形外科住院医师将负责眼科整形外科诊所的工作。他们将负责医疗管理,并担任小手术的主刀医生。他们还将负责手术评估。
儿科/斜视 – 住院医生负责儿科和斜视诊所。他们每周还可以去手术室亲身体验斜视手术。
咨询住户 – 在三个月的轮岗期间,住院医生负责治疗门诊和住院患者。住院医生还可以接触儿科 眼科 并在此轮换期间进行早产儿视网膜病变筛查。
视网膜旋转 – 视网膜轮换包括第二个区块,住院医生将在此接触广泛的视网膜 病理. 该区块为居民提供了熟练掌握玻璃体内注射和视网膜激光手术的机会。
蓝岛 – 第三个区块包括三个月在蓝岛健康中心眼科诊所,该诊所的工作人员由斯特罗格医院提供 眼科 教员。在此轮换期间,二年级住院医师将学习主要的术中程序,包括白内障手术。住院医师在蓝岛轮换期间作为主刀医生进行 20 至 30 次白内障手术。
诊所主任 – 第四部分是担任综合眼科诊所的主任。每周有一个上午专门用于眼科 病理 在我们的眼科病理学家 Bamba 博士的指导下,住院医生对眼科标本进行大体检查并在显微镜下查看之前的幻灯片。
如需了解更多信息,请访问 https://www.cookcountyophthalmology.com.
The ophthalmology residency training program at Cook County Health is fully accredited by the Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), and approved by the American Board of Ophthalmology.
The goal of the residency is to develop skilled practicing comprehensive ophthalmologists and subspecialists by providing extensive clinical and surgical experience over a four-year period.
The program accepts four residents per year and participates in the central application service (CAS) of the San Francisco Matching Program. Admission is contingent upon the successful completion of an ACGME accredited or Canadian-approved internship.
All major subspecialties in ophthalmology are represented in the division with respect to clinical experience and faculty involvement. These include the following:
The PGY-1 residency positions were integrated into the program July 2021 providing our residents with a comprehensive experience prior to beginning their formal ophthalmology training. The first year begins with a two-week orientation in which subspecialty attendings give introductory lectures and provide hands-on instruction in use of ophthalmic equipment and refraction. Rotations consist of two-, four- and six- week rotations in a variety of specialties, including internal medicine, plastics, dermatology and ophthalmology. During their ophthalmology rotation, residents will participate in general clinic, as well as train in ophthalmic imaging, testing and refraction.
During the second year, residents become integrated into Stroger Hospital Eye Clinic, as well as at our satellite clinic at Provident Hospital. At Provident Hospital, residents attend biweekly clinics for three months during the year where they experience their initial exposure into the operating room, as well as individualized attention with anterior segment and retina subspecialty attendings. Meanwhile at Stroger Hospital, there are three three-month rotations in general clinic where residents learn to assume increasing responsibility in managing patients. Residents also participate in oculoplastics rotations where residents serve as primary surgeons in minor procedures, as well as participate in oculoplastic clinical evaluations and a pediatrics rotation where residents have weekly first-hand experience in strabismus surgeries. First-year residents also perform anterior segment laser and retina laser procedures and intravitreal injections as proficiency allows.
The third-year resident schedule is divided into four blocks. During the three months of the consult rotation, the resident is responsible for treating both outpatient and inpatient consults. The consult resident also gains exposure to pediatric ophthalmology and retinopathy of prematurity screening during this rotation block. The retina rotation comprises a second block, where residents are exposed to extensive retinal pathology. This block provides residents with an opportunity to gain proficiency in intravitreal injections and retinal laser procedures. A third block consists of three months at the Blue Island Health Center Eye Clinic, which is staffed by Stroger Hospital Ophthalmology faculty. During this rotation, a second-year resident is introduced to major intraoperative procedures, including cataract surgery. The resident performs 20 to 30 cataract surgeries as the primary surgeon during the Blue Island rotation. A fourth block is spent as chief of the comprehensive Eye Clinic. There is one morning per week devoted to ophthalmic pathology under the guidance of our ocular pathologist, Dr. Bamba where residents gross in ophthalmic specimens and review previous slides at the microscope.
The major focus of the fourth-year resident is performing surgical procedures. More than 2,300 major operative eye cases are performed each year. The senior resident performs all surgical cases. All major surgery is supervised by attending physicians. Starting in 2017, a new rotation at Provident Hospital, another Cook County Health affiliate, has been established. Stroger Hospital Ophthalmology faculty also staff Provident Hospital. This rotation will allow for three days weekly in the operating room with further emphasis on expanding residents surgical skills. Senior residents are also responsible for aiding in patient care, and overseeing junior residents and medical student education in the general eye clinic. One senior resident is selected yearly to function as Chief Resident with administrative and educational responsibilities.
Subspecialty attendings conduct teaching conferences daily in which material in the Ophthalmology Basic and Clinical Science Course (BCSC), published by the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), is systematically covered.
The BCSC books are provided to each resident at the start of their first year. Monday mornings are devoted to Morning Report to review on-call issues and discuss cases. Every morning thereafter, lectures are held where attendings presents on high yield topics within their subspecialty. Grand Rounds are held each semester and formal Journal Club is held on a quarterly basis. Prior to the annual in-service examination (OKAPs) in March, a three-day comprehensive review of all BCSC topics is held at Stroger Hospital and is open to all Chicago-area residency programs at no cost.
In addition to the comprehensive in-house academic program, residents can participate in citywide combined educational programs. The first of these is the Chicago Curriculum in Ophthalmology (CCO), which is a lecture series with faculty from all six Chicago area residency programs participating. Lectures are held from September through April on Saturday mornings. Stroger Hospital Ophthalmology residents also attend the Chicago Ophthalmological Society (COS) monthly meetings free of charge. These meetings are held monthly on Monday evenings at the University of Chicago Gleacher Center from September through April. Nationally known speakers from all ophthalmic specialties are invited to give talks at this excellent forum.
All Cook County Health Ophthalmology residents have full privileges at the Stroger Hospital Tice Library and the Rush University’s Medical Library.
All residents are required to participate in at least one research project during their residency. The research project should lead to completion of a structured abstract for paper or poster presentation or a manuscript suitable for submission.
The Eye Clinic is in the Cook County Health Professional Building and opened in October 2018.
The Eye Clinic has 18 modern, fully equipped eye exam rooms and a minor surgery operating room with a floor-model operating microscope and video display. Each exam room contains an Apple flat screen visual acuity monitor and Haag Streit slit lamps.
The clinic also includes a laser treatment room with a new Iridex Micropulse Argon Laser and a photography suite with a new Zeiss Fundus Camera. Retina imaging (OCT and FANG) is performed with a Heidelberg Spectral Domain OCT. Other equipment includes: two Iridex diode lasers, a Iridex MicroPulse diode laser, Nd: YAG laser, SLT laser, PDT laser, Keeler Cryomaster, ophthalmic ultrasound unit, two Humphrey automated visual field analyzers, a manual Goldman perimeter, Marco Corneal Topographer, Zeiss autorefractor, and a Lenstar 900 optical biometer. Two Reichert Ocular Response Analyzer’s are also available for corneal hysteresis.
The eye operating room in the hospital is equipped with a floor-model Zeiss Lumera 700 operating microscope with video output and digital video recording capabilities. The operating room is also equipped with all three major phacoemulsification machines including the Alcon Centurion, AMO Whitestar, and Bausch and Lomb Stellaris. Vitrectomies are performed with the Alcon Constellation System. In addition, there is a fully equipped wet lab facility with an operating microscope and a phacoemulsification machine.
A full-time ophthalmic photographer performs and processes all photography and fluorescein angiograms.
Two full-time ophthalmic technicians perform and assist in obtaining glaucoma-related testing such as visual fields and nerve fiber analysis. The Eye Clinic has a complement of seven full-time nurses or medical assistants who help to facilitate and assist residents in seeing patients including checking visual acuities.
Cook County Health provides a comprehensive benefits package for house staff physicians and their dependents.
The benefits include:
Meetings in Chicago
There are a large amounts of ophthalmology meetings in Chicago open to residents:
Daily Lectures
The first year is spent across several specialities for four-week intervals, including:
In the second year, residents rotate their time for three-month intervals covering the General Eye Clinic at Stroger Hospital and at the Provident Hospital Eye Clinic, as well as Pediatrics and Plastic Surgery.
Year three is divided into four different blocks:
PGY-4, Major Surgery
Each resident alternates between Stroger Hospital (two days a week in the operating room) and Provident Hospital (two to three days a week in the OR) with non-OR days spent in Preoperative/Postoperative Clinic at Stroger Hospital. Surgical volumes are some of the highest in the country.
There are two retina fellowship programs at Cook County that exist in conjunction with a private retina practice.
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