
Richsha Buckles
Dermatology Program Coordinator



We accept four (4) residents every year. Applicants are required to have completed at least one (1) year of clinical training prior to the beginning of the program. Applicants who have completed prior residencies may also apply.

The program is clinically oriented and allows the residents to follow their patients throughout the three years in a busy outpatient resident-run clinic. Our residents also have dedicated time to perform minor procedures for their patients on a weekly basis. Inpatient ward service and hospital consultations under attending staff supervision provide training in the diagnosis and management of severely-ill dermatological patients. Our clinic provides laser therapies to our patients. Additionally, we are a designated Hidradenitis Suppurativa Specialty Clinic and have an Infliximab Infusion Center.

Lectures and conferences are incorporated in the daily schedule. Periodic cosmetic workshops enable residents to gain valuable hands-on experience. We have a strong emphasis on dermatologic surgery and dermatopathology education, incorporating training both at Cook County Health and at partner institutions.

Schedule Breakdown by PGY level:
Our residents primarily spend their time at our Cook County Health Dermatology outpatient resident-run clinic with rotations by year as listed below. Additionally, residents are given 4 weeks of elective time in PGY-4.

PGY-2 Level:

  • 1 month consult service
  • 1 month surgery
  • 1 week dermatopathology at Cook County Health

PGY-3 Level:

  • 1 month consult service
  • 1 month surgery
  • 1 month pediatric dermatology at Northwestern Lurie Children’s Hospital
  • 2 weeks dermatopathology at Cook County Health
  • 2 weeks dermatopathology at Consolidated Pathology Consultants

PGY-4 Level:

  • 1 month consult service
  • 1 month surgery
  • 4 weeks dermatopathology at Northwestern

Our PGY-3 and PGY-4 residents have protected time for the national AAD and ASDS conferences every year (case submission for presentation is required).


目前就读于美国医学院并有兴趣在库克县卫生皮肤科完成选修课或轮岗的医学生应将下列事项通过电子邮件发送给皮肤科项目协调员 Richsha Buckles,地址为 richsha.buckles@cookcountyhealth.org.

医学生申请 - 附属

医学生申请 – 非附属

2025 年 4 月 1 日,面向 M4 新生开放申请。申请截止日期为 2025 年 5 月 5 日。如果您被选中加入我们,我们将在 2025 年 6 月 2 日之前通知您。

This year, we will offer a total of 16 positions between the months of August and November. We are currently planning to offer in-person rotations, but this is contingent on our institution’s COVID-19 protocols.


  • A 200-word response to: “Why would you like to pursue dermatology and why is completing a rotation at Cook County Health important to you”.
  • 一张头像照片
  • 简历
  • 免疫记录


We have four (4) positions available. We will fill all 4 positions through the NRMP (National Residency Matching Program).


All of the following information must be submitted by the deadline:

  • 简历
  • 医学院成绩单
  • 至少三 (3) 封推荐信
  • MSPE/院长的信
  • 个人陈述
  • 照片
  • 标准 ERAS 应用程序
  • USMLE 成绩:第 1 步(或同等成绩)。如果已完成其他步骤,还应提交这些成绩。

面试将于 1 月举行。入选申请人将于 11 月底和 12 月初通过电话或电子邮件收到通知。入选候补申请人和未入选面试的申请人将仅通过电子邮件收到通知。


在开始我们的皮肤病学培训之前,所有住院医师必须完成至少 12 个月的临床培训,培训课程为由美国研究生医学教育认证委员会 (ACGME) 认证的以下类型的广泛课程之一,或由加拿大皇家内科医师和外科医师学会认证的加拿大类似课程:过渡年(以前称为灵活的第一研究生年),或急诊医学、家庭医学、普通外科、内科、妇产科、儿科的第一年住院医师培训,或初步培训年。





  1. 熟练掌握皮肤病的临床和皮肤病理学诊断。
  2. 获得有效的病人护理和同事的专业互动所必需的专业沟通技巧。
  3. 通过成功完成国家级培训和认证考试,扩大有关所有皮肤病的临床、病因和病理生理方面的个人知识储备。
  4. 熟练运用现代教育工具,最大程度提高终身专业学习的效率。
  5. 掌握与全面、有效管理复杂的医学和手术皮肤病相关的医疗决策和判断技能。
  6. 掌握与有效诊断和管理一般和复杂皮肤病相关的技术技能,相当于认真执业的全科皮肤科医生的水平。



Welcome to the Cook County Health Dermatology Residency Program.

Training at Cook County Health provides a unique experience. We are one of the few dermatology residency programs that operate in a safety-net hospital. We are also the healthcare provider for Cook County Jail, the second-largest urban county jail in the United States. The variety and complexity of conditions that our residents manage are immensely broad. Our patients are young, racially diverse, and in need of help. We are fortunate to be able to offer them our dermatology services and participate in their care. We see all patients, regardless of income, insurance, legal status, and ability to pay.

Many of our patients do not speak English. We have easy access to interpreters for any needs that may arise. Most of our residents learn significant medical Spanish by the time they graduate.

The program at Cook County is distinctive: all clinics are resident continuity clinics throughout the three years of training, with attending supervision for every patient.

We have one main clinic location and a weekly clinic at the nearby CORE Center, one of the largest HIV treatment centers in the country, which cares for over 5,000 patients annually.

Procedural training is complemented with a variety of lasers (PDL, Nd:YAG long and short pulsed, fractional Er:YAG, BBL, Excimer), and a weekly surgery clinic which includes Micrographic Dermatologic Surgery (Mohs).

所有全职教师均为我们诊所相邻的 John H. Stroger 医院提供住院咨询服务。

Successful candidates are those that like to work in a group, are cheerful, supportive, and open to a wide range of patients from a variety of social groups and spanning the spectrum of dermatological diseases. We take pride in our collaborative and enjoyable work environment and invite open minded, passionate individuals, willing to care for and engage with our patients and their experiences.

Vesna Petronic-Rosic,医学博士、理学硕士、MBA


三年级住院医师 (2022 – 2025) 

  • Jacob Dudzinski,医学博士
  • Subuhi Kaul,医学博士
    卡斯特巴医学院 芒格洛尔
  • Hiren Kolli 医学博士

二年级住院医师 (2023 – 2026) 

  • 沃伦·佩里,医学博士
  • Ryan Wealther 医学博士
  • Shannon,尤尼西,马里兰州

一年级住院医师 (2024 – 2027) 

  • Elizabeth Mata-Thimm 医学博士
  • 阿尼卡·马宗德
  • Ana Rodriguez 医学博士
  • Jeffrey Varghese,医学博士


系主任兼项目主任(临时): Vesna Petronic-Rosic, MD, MSc, MBA

莫氏外科医生: Noor Tazudeen, MD

皮肤病理学家: Vesna Petronic-Rosic, MD, MSc, MBA

Joerg Albrecht, MD, PhD
Shilpa Mehta,医学博士
Vesna Petronic-Rosic,医学博士、理学硕士、MBA
Noor Tazudeen, MD
Warren Piette, MD
