مكتب تجربة المريض

At Cook County Health, we believe that exceptional care extends beyond world-class medical care. Our Office of Patient Experience is dedicated to ensuring that every step of your journey with us is positive, compassionate, and reflects our dedication to excellence including the patient’s physical comfort, as well as their educational, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Have you had a positive experience? Share more information with us so we can celebrate our team’s great work. [email protected].

Daisy Awards

To nominate an outstanding nurse for a Daisy Award, click here.

Patient Relations

To reach out to a Patient Advocate please call us at 312-864-0185 between 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. during business days, or email us at [email protected]. We will respond as quickly as possible to all inquiries.


Our patients’ feedback is important to us. You may receive a survey by phone, mail, email or text asking about your visit. We care about what you have to say and value your voice. We use this valuable information to provide the best possible care for all of our patients.

Patient and Family Advisory Councils

Cook County Health is proud to offer Patient and Family Advisory Councils (PFACs) at Stroger Hospital and Provident Hospital. The PFACS provide an opportunity for patients and their loved ones to provide direct input into the experience of patients at Cook County Health and collaborate to improve safety, quality, and services. If you are interested in joining a PFAC, please email [email protected].

مكتب تجربة المريض

برامج الزمالة

تعمل برامج الزمالة في Cook County Health على تعزيز تعليم وتدريب الأطباء من خلال التدريب السريري الصارم، والوصول إلى الأبحاث المتقدمة والخبرات الواسعة في مجال الرعاية الداخلية والخارجية.
زمالة ممرضة الممارسة المتقدمة المسجلة (APRN)
نظرة عامة على طب الأطفال
إساءة معاملة الأطفال
طب الأطفال حديثي الولادة وما حول الولادة
جراحة الشبكية والجسم الزجاجي
العناية الجراحية الحرجة والصدمات والحروق
طب الرئة والعناية المركزة وطب النوم
طب الألم
علم السموم الطبية
الرعاية التلطيفية والرعاية التلطيفية