Farmacia del Hospital Stroger

Provides prescription services for all Cook County Health prescriptions including outpatients, same-day surgery, emergency department and discharge patients. To refill your prescription, please call the 24-hour refill line at (312) 864-5651 and follow prompts to fill your prescription at a specific CCH farmacia o haz que te lo entreguen por correo orden. los farmacia will work with patients who do not have...

Oficina de Investigación y Asuntos Regulatorios (IRB)

...research at Cook County Health must be properly trained. Research & Regulatory Affairs is excited to introduce the CITI Program for Research Ethics and Compliance Training to Cook County Health. In orden to ensure the protection of our research participants, our Human Subjects Research (HSR) / IRB training will now expire every 3 years. With over 800 active nosers in...

Ruth M. Rothstein CORE Center Farmacia

El centro CORE Farmacia fills prescriptions for patients seen by CORE Center providers only. los farmacia El personal trabajará con los pacientes que no tienen beneficios de prescripción médica para obtener los medicamentos necesarios del Centro CORE. Farmacia o gratis del fabricante. Para reabastecer su receta, llame a la línea de reabastecimiento de 24 horas al (312) 572-4880. Las renovaciones de recetas serán ...

Relaciones comunitarias

...Farmacia at Cook County Health You don’t have to come to the hospital to have your prescriptions filled. Click here to learn about our different Farmacia servicios incluyendo nuestro correo Farmacia de pedidos. Todos son bienvenidos aquí, independientemente de quién sea usted, su situación migratoria o financiera.nos, Cook County Health welcomes you as our patient. Click here for more information on...

Cermak Resource

...or another Cook County Health location. To check any upcoming appointments or to schedule an appointment please call 312-864-0200. When you are released, a 30-day supply of your prescription medications is sent to be filled at Stroger Hospital Farmacia, 1969 W. Ogden Avenue, Room 1130 (1st floor), Chicago, IL 60612. To check on the statnos of a prescription, please call...


Estimado Paciente, Nos complace ofrecerle un seguro en línea acceso a su información médica a través de nuestro portal para pacientes, MyCookCountyHealth. Proporcione su dirección de correo electrónico cuando se le solicite para que podamos enviarle instrucciones sobre cómo configurar su en línea cuenta. Una vez configurado, puede ver sus resultados de laboratorio y resultados de radiología, documentos, citas futuras; solicitar renovaciones de medicamentos y ...

Biblioteca del Centro Académico

...from PubMed Micromedex Nursing Reference Center Plnos Rush University EBP Guide Trip Medical Database (PRO version needs subscription) UIC Health Sciences Guide Up-to-Date Other Resources Cook County Health History A documentary file highlights the milestones of health care of Cook County since 1835 Databases CINAHL Complete Clinical Trials Clinical Queries MedlinePlnos / MedlinePlnos en Español Micromedex Nursing Reference Center Plnos...


...Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Dental, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Neurosurgery, Orthopedics, Palliative Care, Pathology, Pediatric Surgery, Farmacia, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Radiation Oncology, Radiology, Social Services, Speech Therapy, Trauma and Urology. Learning opportunities abound in our residency program. We have a weekly, four-hour teaching session, monthly Board Review sessions and weekly Grand Rounds. During conferences, residents present interesting cases, and each...

Solicitar registros médicos

... Producido en CD y NOSB $6.50 tarifa plana por la porción electrónica $1.08 tarifa plana por un CD o NOSB para papel convertido a formato electrónico Plnos $0.07 por página de registro en papel Registros en papel Entregado en forma de papel $0.32 para sobre plnos franqueo con $0.12 adicional por página de papel Registros en papel Entregados en CD o NOSB $1.08 para CD ...

Clínica Puente de Salud del Condado de Cook

...prescribed medications: Buprenorphine [Suboxone ™, Brixadi™, Zubsolv™, Sublocade™] for opioid nose disorden Naltrexone [Vivitrol™] for opioid and alcohol nose disorden Naloxone [Narcan™] for opioid overdose We do not offer methadone treatment but will make a referral when appropriate. Linkage to other substance nose treatment and support services including residential, intensive outpatient, peer support, methadone clinics and recovery homes Primary and...
