طب الأمراض الجلدية

Dermatology is the medical specialty dedicated to studying and treating conditions of the skin, hair, nails, and mucous membranes.
As the largest and most visible organ of the body, the skin plays a crucial role in your overall health.

Skin conditions can range from minor or cosmetic concerns to serious diseases, such as melanoma. Changes in the skin can also indicate underlying health issues that require medical attention.

الحالات الشائعة

At Cook County Health, our board-certified dermatologists and highly trained staff excel in diagnosing and treating a wide range of dermatological conditions. Whether you're dealing with a mild issue or a severe skin disease, our team is equipped to provide comprehensive care. Conditions we treat include, but are not limited to:
حَبُّ الشّبَاب
التهاب الجلد التأتبي (الأكزيما)
Autoimmune skin diseases

Such as lupus and dermatomyositis.

Blistering skin diseases

Including those affecting oral mucous membranes.

حكة مزمنة
التهاب الجلد التماسي
أمراض الشعر وفروة الرأس
أمراض الجلد المناعية
Infectious diseases

Including warts.

أمراض الجلد المهنية

Inflammatory diseases of fat.

Pigment disorders

That lead to increase or decrease in skin color.

الطفح الجلدي المرتبط بالحمل
Skin cancers
الآفات الوعائية

Such as lupus and dermatomyositis.

Including those affecting oral mucous membranes.

Including warts.

Inflammatory diseases of fat.

That lead to increase or decrease in skin color.

At Cook County Health, our commitment to dermatological health extends beyond basic care. We are dedicated to:

  • Advanced Diagnostic Tools: Utilizing state-of-the-art equipment to accurately diagnose skin conditions.
  • Innovative Treatments: Offering cutting-edge therapies, including biologic treatments for chronic conditions like psoriasis and eczema.
  • Educational Support: Providing resources and education to help patients manage their conditions effectively.


Choosing Cook County Health for your dermatology needs means entrusting your care to a team that values health and well-being, ensuring the best possible outcomes for all skin types and conditions.

Why Choose Cook County Health for طب الأمراض الجلدية?

  • رعاية الخبراء: Our dermatologists are leaders in their field, employing the latest treatments and technologies.
  • الخدمات الشاملة: From routine care to advanced therapy, we offer a full range of dermatological services.
  • النهج المرتكز على المريض: We tailor treatments to each patient’s needs, ensuring personalized care.
  • Access to Specialists: Strong collaborations with specialists in oncology, immunology, and other fields enhance our care delivery.


To discuss your skin concerns or conditions, or to schedule an appointment with one of our specialists, please contact Cook County Health.

A white telephone handset icon alongside a teal medical cross on a dark blue background.

حدد موعدًا

اتصل بنا على: (312) 864-0200

مقدمي الخدمة

الدكتور يورغ ألبريشت
الدكتور يورغ ألبريشت
دكتور في الطب
الأمراض الجلدية، الطب الباطني، علم الأدوية السريرية
Blue square background with white text in the center that reads Cook County Health.
شيلبا ميهتا، دكتوراه في الطب
طب الأمراض الجلدية السريري للمرضى الداخليين والخارجيين
Dr. Vesna Petronic-Rosic
Dr. Vesna Petronic-Rosic
Medical dermatology and cutaneous oncology
وارن دبليو بيتي، دكتور في الطب
دكتور في الطب
الطب الباطني، الأمراض الجلدية
طب الأمراض الجلدية