زمالة ممرضة الممارسة المتقدمة المسجلة (APRN)

برنامج الانتقال إلى الممارسة
برنامج الاتصال
قسم التطوير المهني والتعليم التمريضي

روابط سريعة


مرحبًا بكم في برنامج زمالة APRN، وهو برنامج معتمد يمنحه مركز اعتماد الممرضات الأمريكي (ANCC) التابع لبرنامج زمالة مقدمي الممارسة المتقدمة (APPFA)!

بالشراكة مع كلية مارسيل نيهوف للتمريض بجامعة لويولا شيكاغو، تم إنشاء برنامج زمالة APRN للتركيز على تقليل النقص في مقدمي الرعاية الصحية الأولية في مقاطعة كوك وإنشاء خط أنابيب من APRNs لعيادات الرعاية الأولية التابعة لمؤسسة كوك كاونتي هيلث وغيرها من الإعدادات المحرومة.


استخدم هذا استمارة للتقدم بطلب للحصول على برنامج زمالة الدراسات العليا، قم بإرسال مجموعة كاملة من مواد الطلب عبر البريد الإلكتروني إلى mmcnamara6@luc.edu (عملية القبول المتجددة).

المستندات المطلوبة
  • طلب برنامج الزمالة – تقديم الطلب الأصلي مع التوقيع.
  • خطاب توصية واحد - توصية واحدة من مدير برنامج الدراسات العليا أو أحد أعضاء هيئة التدريس السريرية الذين يعرفون معرفتك ومهاراتك كممارس تمريض أو طالب ممارس تمريض. يجب على الأفراد الذين يكملون التوصية إرسال النموذج عبر البريد الإلكتروني مباشرة إلى mmcnamara6@luc.edu.
  • بيان النوايا – يجب على المتقدمين تقديم بيان لا يزيد عن صفحة واحدة، بخط 12 نقطة، ومسافة مزدوجة، يصف أهدافك المهنية وأسباب السعي للحصول على زمالة APRN. يجب أن يتضمن البيان كيف ستعزز المشاركة في الزمالة خططك المهنية المستقبلية. يرجى التأكد من إدراج اسمك في بيان النوايا.
  • السيرة الذاتية – السيرة الذاتية الحالية التي توضح الخلفية التعليمية والخبرة المهنية والخبرة التطوعية وغيرها من المعلومات ذات الصلة (مثل المنشورات والمنح الدراسية والجوائز والمنظمات المهنية والأنشطة المجتمعية). يجب إنشاء المستند باستخدام خط 12 نقطة وحواف 1 بوصة.
  • نسخة من السجل الأكاديمي لبرنامج الدراسات العليا. تعتبر السجلات غير الرسمية مقبولة للتقديم.
  • إثبات تراخيص التمريض وممارسي التمريض في ولاية إلينوي (إذا كانت متوفرة) أو التاريخ المتوقع للترخيص.
  • إثبات الحصول على شهادة مجلس ممارس التمريض العائلي (إن وجدت) أو التاريخ المتوقع للحصول على شهادة المجلس.


متطلبات التقديم للبرنامج
  • سيتم إجراء مقابلات Zoom لجميع المتقدمين المؤهلين.
  • ستكون هناك حاجة إلى مستندات إضافية، مثل التحقق من الخلفية، وتقديم التطعيم أو المناعة ضد الأمراض المعدية المختلفة، وغيرها من المستندات المطلوبة قبل بدء الزمالة. كل هذه المتطلبات هي جزء من عملية التوجيه المعتادة في حالة التوظيف.
  • Cook County Health (CCH) has served the people of Cook County for over 180 years. Today it is the home to top health care practitioners, leading the field in caring for vulnerable populations.
  • CCH holds ambulatory care and primary care medical home certification through The Joint Commission.
  • Fellows will be selected from a competitive pool to serve patients across Cook County in an interprofessional model and practice-based learning environment.
  • Support new graduate APRNs during the critical first year of their transition into APRN practice, address concerns, remove barriers and create a supportive learning environment.
  • Provide an immersive practice-based learning environment focused on organizational enculturation and professional development.
  • Provide training in an interdisciplinary and interprofessional care team model committed to delivering high quality patient care to the underserved.
  • Provide collaborative shared model training and preceptorship.
  • Support the development of APRN primary care provider expertise in patient assessment, care planning, diagnostic testing, implementation, and evaluation of the plan of care.
  • Provide Primary Care Medical Home Clinic experience with focus on transition from novice to competent or proficient APRN practice.
  • Support fellowship participants’ professional development in the creation of an evidence-based quality improvement projects and presentation at “Graduation.”
  • Must have a minimum of two (2) years RN experience
  • Must have completed an MSN or DNP program within the last 18 months prior to the start of the fellowship program
  • Graduated from an accredited Nurse Practitioner MSN or DNP program within the State of Illinois and across the United States
  • Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) and/or Adult Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Board Certified
  • Holds a current Registered Nurse license in the State of Illinois
  • Holds a current Advanced Practice Nurse (APRN) license in the State of Illinois
  • Out of state candidates must apply for an Illinois RN and APRN licenses
  • Must complete the credentialing process prior to the start of the program. The credentialing process will take place upon hire, and it takes about three (3) months or more to complete
  • Must be able to obtain an Illinois Controlled Substance License within 6 months of employment
  • Must be able to obtain a DEA license within 6 months of employment
  • Holds a valid and current Basic Life Support (BLS) certification from the American Heart Association (AHA)

The Cook County Health Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) Fellowship/Transition to Practice program is designed to support new graduate APRNs during the critical first year of their transition into APRN practice. Under the mentorship and guidance of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) and Physician colleagues in a Patient Centered Medical Home model, you will transition to primary care of patients as part of an interprofessional care team committed to delivering high quality patient care to diverse patients and communities throughout all life-stages.

In addition, you will participate in a multidisciplinary didactic training model and will develop APRN/primary care provider expertise in patient assessment, patient care and wellness maintenance through patient assessment, care planning, diagnostic testing, implementation of care planning and care evaluation. You will attain professional and technical expertise through continued educational programs and workshops supporting emerging healthcare trends. You will improve the health outcomes of your patients through direct patient care and continued patient care and wellness via self-management plans for patients. You will assess and manage patients using advanced diagnostic skills, result interpretation and prescribing medications and therapies. The APRN Fellowship program will include an immersive practice-based learning environment focused on organizational enculturation and professional development.

The APRN Fellowship program will include, but is not limited to, the following activities:

  • Working within the framework of Cook County Health’s mission and vision and strategic priorities
  • Providing patient assessment and clinical care including physical, psychosocial, spiritual, and cultural assessment and care
  • Ordering, and interpreting appropriate laboratory or other diagnostic tests
  • Performing clinical procedures, prescribing medication, and prescribing other therapies
  • Providing ongoing care and preventative health management and maintenance
  • Providing patient/family education
  • Documenting care provided and/or procedures performed in the electronic health record
  • Collaborating with other members of the interdisciplinary care team to provide high quality patient care
  • Consulting with other members of the interdisciplinary care team as clinically indicated
  • Participating in interdisciplinary patient care conferences, grand rounds and/or journal club
  • Working within the framework of a collaborative practice agreement
  • Establishing and maintaining effective communication
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of patient care
  • Assisting in the development of patient education materials
  • Participating in quality improvement initiatives
  • Leading an evidence-based practice initiative relative to the professional practice of nursing and/or quality patient care and evaluating the success of this initiative
  • Contributing to new knowledge by active involvement in research activities
  • Journaling about your experiences to support novice to proficient APRN transition

Fellowship Learning Opportunities include, but are not limited to:

  • Develop skills to provide consultation and co-management of patients with health care colleagues
  • Develop skills to provide high quality care and communication while patients are in transition of care
  • Develop skills to manage adults with cardiovascular, diabetes and common renal diseases
  • Develop skills in care and management of the older adult, including both biomedical syndromes and psychosocial concerns that commonly affect older adult

Click here to view and download Program Overview

The fellowship program is a benefit – eligible appointment with a limited duration term of twelve (12) months.

APRN fellows are licensed and fully credentialed with an expectation of mentored transition to independent practice over the course of the fellowship program.

A weekly schedule will be developed in collaboration with APRN and Physician preceptors.

Completion of the fellowship program is expected, and a “Certificate of Completion” will be provided at the end of the program.

Funding for this fellowship program was provided by a grant from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).

The start date is not upon the applicant’s acceptance to the program. All APRN fellowship participants are required to complete the credentialing process prior to the start of the program.

The credentialing process takes about three (3) months to be completed. In some cases, it may take more than three (3) months depending upon the completeness of the credentialing documentation requirements. Upon credentialing approval and completion, the applicant will receive a credentialing approval letter. Human Resources (HR) will then communicate with the applicant for the final onboarding process.

External applicants will have to undergo the whole process of onboarding including background checks and employee health clearance. This may take about two (2) – four (4) weeks to be completed. Internal applicants do not need to go undergo the whole process of onboarding. The status will be a change and transfer of position to the new APRN role.

External applicants will complete the new employee orientation upon hire that is led by HR. Internal applicants do not need to undergo the new employee orientation. They will report directly to the Director of the APRN Fellowship Program for the initiation of the fellowship orientation.

زمالة ممرضة الممارسة المتقدمة المسجلة (APRN)