The holiday season is in full swing, and so is toy shopping for the special children in our lives. Toys are fun and enjoyable for children, but could pose serious health risks.

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, hospital emergency rooms treated more than 250,000 in 2017 due to toy-related injuries.

في موسم الأعياد (وما بعده) ، يُرجى مراعاة الإرشادات التالية لاختيار الألعاب الآمنة لجميع الأعمار:

◾ افحص جميع الألعاب قبل الشراء. تجنب تلك التي تطلق أو تحتوي على أجزاء تطير. يجب ألا تحتوي اللعبة على حواف أو نقاط حادة ويجب أن تكون قوية بما يكفي لتحمل الصدمات دون أن تنكسر أو تتحطم أو تتشقق بسهولة.

◾When purchasing toys for children with special needs try to: Choose toys that may appeal to different senses such as sound, movement, and texture; consider interactive toys to allow the child to play with others; and think about the size of the toy and the position a child would need to be in to play with it.

◾ كن مجتهدًا في فحص الألعاب التي حصل عليها طفلك. تحقق من العمر ومستوى المهارة ومدى ملاءمة التطور قبل السماح باللعب بها.

ابحث عن الملصقات التي تؤكد أن الألعاب قد اجتازت فحص السلامة - تعني "ATSM" أن اللعبة قد استوفت معايير الجمعية الأمريكية للاختبار والمواد.

◾Gifts of sports equipment should always be accompanied by protective gear (give a helmet with the skateboard).

◾Keep kids safe from lead in toys by: Educating yourself about lead exposure from toys, symptoms of lead poisoning, and what kinds of toys have been recalled; being aware that old toys may be more likely to contain lead in the paint; having your children wash their hands frequently and calling your doctor if you suspect your child has been exposed to lead.

◾Do NOT give toys with small parts (including magnets and “button” batteries which can cause serious injury or death if ingested) to young children.

◾Do NOT give toys with ropes and cords or heating elements.

◾ لا تعطِ أقلام تلوين وأقلام تلوين إلا إذا تم تصنيفها على أنها "غير سامة".

Call the CPSC hotline: (800) 638-CPSC to report a toy you think is unsafe. If you have any doubt about a toy’s safety, err on the side of caution and do not allow your child to play with it.
