طب الطوارئ

يشمل طب الطوارئ أي حالات تتطلب مساعدة طبية فورية.

تقدم أقسام الطوارئ التابعة لمؤسسة Cook County Health الرعاية لأكثر من 120 ألف مريض سنويًا في مستشفى John H. Stroger, Jr. ومستشفى Provident. يعد مستشفى Stroger أكثر مراكز علاج الصدمات من المستوى الأول ازدحامًا في إلينوي.

يقدم مستشفى ستروجر قسم طوارئ للأطفال بدون انتظار، حيث يقدم أخصائيو طب الطوارئ للأطفال رعاية متميزة للمرضى في بيئة آمنة ومخصصة للأطفال.

If you’re experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 immediately or visit one of our emergency departments at Stroger Hospital or Provident Hospital, open 24 hours, 7 days a week.

الخدمات المشتركة

Cook County Health’s two emergency rooms are fully equipped to handle a variety of medical emergencies, including, but not limited to:
General emergency services
رعاية الطوارئ للسرطان
Pediatric emergency services
Toxicology services

الأعراض الشائعة

Immediate evaluation and management to rule out life-threatening conditions.

Urgent care for respiratory issues including asthma, COPD, and other acute problems.

Immediate interventions to manage severe bleeding.

Urgent management of acute pain episodes.

الحالات الشائعة

Cook County Health’s two emergency rooms are fully equipped to handle a variety of medical emergencies, including, but not limited to:
عظام مكسورة

Rapid assessment and treatment of fractures.

رعاية الطوارئ للسرطان

Prompt attention to cancer-related complications.

النوبات القلبية

Critical care for cardiac emergencies.

فقدان الوعي

Assessment and treatment of causes ranging from fainting to severe head injuries.

السكتات الدماغية

Fast-acting care to minimize brain damage and improve recovery outcomes.

الصدمة أو الحروق

Specialized care for serious injuries and burns.

Rapid assessment and treatment of fractures.

Prompt attention to cancer-related complications.

Critical care for cardiac emergencies.

Assessment and treatment of causes ranging from fainting to severe head injuries.

Fast-acting care to minimize brain damage and improve recovery outcomes.

Specialized care for serious injuries and burns.

At Cook County Health, our emergency services extend beyond traditional care. We integrate advanced diagnostic tools and innovative treatment approaches to deal with emergencies effectively. Our commitment to medical excellence makes us a trusted choice for emergency care in Illinois.

Choosing Cook County Health’s emergency departments ensures you have access to comprehensive and timely medical care during critical moments. We are here to provide the emergency support you need, whenever you need it.

Why Choose Cook County Health for طب الطوارئ?

  • خبرة: Our emergency departments are staffed by highly skilled professionals trained to handle a variety of urgent health issues.
  • Readiness: With state-of-the-art facilities, we are equipped to manage severe and complex emergencies around the clock.
  • الرعاية التي تركز على المريض: We prioritize swift, compassionate, and effective treatment to ensure the best outcomes for all patients.
  • Community Commitment: As a leading healthcare provider, we are dedicated to serving the diverse needs of our community with the highest standards of emergency care.


A white telephone handset icon alongside a teal medical cross on a dark blue background.

حدد موعدًا

اتصل بنا على: (312) 864-0200

مقدمي الخدمة

Dr. Wakas-Ahmad is pictured smiling in a light-colored blazer and blue shirt, set against a mottled blue and brown background.
وكاس أحمد، دكتور في الطب
A man with a shaved head is smiling while wearing a gray suit, a white shirt, and a patterned tie. The background is a blue and gray abstract pattern.
بول جيه أليجريتي، دكتور في الطب التقويمي
الدكتور دارا ب. أمين
الدكتور دارا ب. أمين
دكتور في الطب
Blue square background with white text in the center that reads Cook County Health.
شيبا أمبالور، دكتوراه في الطب


الرعاية بالقرب من المنزل

رعاية عالية الجودة مع شبكة كبيرة من مراكز الرعاية الصحية في مقاطعة كوك

1969 غرب شارع أوجدن
شيكاغو، إلينوي 60612

(312) 864-6000

500 شرق شارع 51
شيكاغو، إلينوي 60615

(312) 572-2000
A nurse in blue scrubs smiles warmly while holding the hand of an older person. They are sitting in a bright room, creating a comforting and supportive atmosphere.
طب الطوارئ